
How did they know he would go to Subway off a flight? How did they also know who he was and that he was gay? Nazis watch Empire? Im not even a Nazi and i had no idea who he was or his orientation. This is really strange and sounds like there might be a link to him some way. Maybe one of the attackers is a neighbor of

Amen, sister.

So many edge lords.

You dont know thst he saved any lives, let alone many many., Bundy fan girl 

Hes just like any moron altrighter. Mouthing things hes heard over and over. Hes too dumb to catch himself before he realizes is about himself.

And then lying to get him out of the trouble he should be facing.

Lotta suburban white soccer mommies in these threads doing the same thing. Thinking, It could be MY precious angel caught being so racist in public to an elderly man.’ Hey, fuck you for raising a kid you think would do this.

Excellent! Im famished.

Shitty little hateful entitled brats.

That little puke woukdve shit his pants before he stared down one of the black men. In true to puke form, he abused an old man instead.


Found the PR shill

It took this many days for soneone to even point out the obvious — that those kids are in ‘Lil Black Sambo’ minstrel show blackface. With the white around the eyes and mouth, and the mouth extended and curled up into a grotesque grin

Hire a PR firm and LET THEIR KID LIE.

Its just how another group of men can demean and punish women. Women need to wise up. These gay guys are not your friends.


She started a childish fight in public and has been mosogynistic. She yeah. She dumb.

Men do that to women in porn. Its to degrade women. So its actually not cool that she said that. Disappointed she’s still too ignorant to insult TL well.

GFY. You’re part of the problem.

Shes literally up for a grammy. They cant get much more exposure gor their dress. Stop making excuses for fascism and prejudice.