
Found the russian.

Haha janeane

People like that poster want you to constantly apologize for these men. No it absolutely doesn't need pointing out that CK 'isn't worse than.' They can FRO.

So, No. As only rich Indians make it here and rise by being rich scum.

To Gaga: Fuck off, rich girl.

Which is fucking bullshit. Americans are cattle for putting up with this.

The things that were asked of him wete so minimal. He bears the responsibility of hiw hus daughters are getting shit. In fact his stand up has always been invasive about them in a very abusive way. He had a very popular bit when they were young how their hands smelled from putting them in their genitals. Fuck that


Its another conventionally attractive white girl with a 12 inch waist snd an aggressively smug sneerattentionwhoring. Fuck her.


Women as objects. What else should we expect.

And ugly.

Dont look for it here. Writers like Flory are too invested in trying to look sexpositiveTM in these pieces. Its more important to them to be the cool chick and desired than it is to be a good journalist.

Confused that she didnt say yes or no to the vaginal rape but took responsibility for it because she didnt say yes or no to the anal rape, but she calls it rape. I do feel sorry for this girl. But it also shows how gurls enter porn without even undestanding what rape is, or where the boundaries to the use of their

Do tell.

Why did you think that?

Did you ever consider she might actually be beautiful and is sick to death of men telling her that, because she is more than her looks?

Have you considered that you may not be as physically appealing as you were in your 20s? Im being serious. That door swings both ways, despite what men think.

Sue fir malpractice.

Bet she probably wasnt christian either