

They like it.


There’s this self-congratulatory look that Amy Adams gives the black housekeeper in Sharper Objects, and that’s all i needed to know about Amy Adams, the person. Yuck af.

Do they want the poc who is the actor to be badly lit ??

True. But Seth Rogan and that weasly Franco brother are proof of nepotism in Hollywood. No one has wanted to ever see these ugly assholes in movies pretty much from word go, but their brother and BFF still giving them jobs. Wish that whole ApatowFrancoRogan crew would fuck off for good.

What was gained was it was further sexualized.  No man is cheering  out there about this. Some are jerking off to it though.

It absolutely is. Im gobsmacked at how utterly without context people are taking this. The word glamorous is being used incorrectly and its highly disingenuous.

Its not glamorizing it. Its sexualizing it.

Its sexualizing breastfeeding . Which is nauseating. What a dipshit that model is.

It reeks of trolling a person with a serious mental illness.

That was uber passive agressive!

Kether is too close to catheter.

That asshole has Anti-fat Derangement Syndrome.

Yes. In space no one gives a fuck youre fat.

These cowardly men are middleaged ‘fatso’s full of selfloathing, and they jump at the chance to flap their utterly soft, limp dicks at women, who they project their selfloathing onto, and who they feel are weaker than them. Youre not fooling anyone, assholes.

Oh look; prez butt trumpet is now posting on jezebel.

I dont give a rat’s hairy ass for Amy Adams.

This is criminal. The highest law of the land is totally ignorant on  mental health?? No wonder tge suicide rate is going up and up and up...

Goebbels was a propaganda minister and had a club foot he hid from the public.