
Nobody kills themselves in a totally random fashion. There’s mental illness under it: depression. And frequently no good psychiatric or psychological help. No one wants yo be stigmatized by an in hospital stay or loss their job. And good doctors and therapists are hard to find.

People also turn away from a person’s depression too though. It happens a lot. They dont want to hear you, let alone help you, when youre depressed and not thinking clearly. I’ve seen this again and again with family members of suicide victims. The depressed person finally had no one who gave a shit about them when

You are. But everyone does it in their own way.

A lot of people are addicts to something and they probably are worried about relapsing into something that they think might make them depressed enough to take their lives also. So they project.

Possibly she cant even read it.


She has to go so she is doing it while also throwing an FU to the ‘libruls’. This kind of heartless idiocy appeals to their crowd. Trumps base doesnt even want them to care a fuck about “brown”children.

She has to go so she is doing it while also throwing an FU to the ‘libruls’. This kind of heartless idiocy appeals to their crowd. Trumps base doesnt even want them to care a fuck about “brown”children.

Thats completely ignorant. Her every move is managed.

HE WAS NAMED BARON. I have all the faith in the world to believe he will live up to his name, in all ways.

No more passes for her.

Abuse victims regardless of gender go back to abusers because abusers dismantle their selfesteem thoroughly. And if the victim came from a background of abuse its also  why they go back. 

Theyre both raging misogynists.

They just meant to say hes unfuckable i think.

No. Insecure womanhaters like him and Baio only hook up with other dumbass misogynist selfhating insecure women. 

You do realize that kimmel cohosted TheManShow with Corrolla, right? And that he spewed out misogyny about everyone including his wife? That he called women “chicks”? Until he got that network gig and a newer wife?

Oh but stoyas so special. Thats why she said that. Shes not like the other porn stars. THATS what Queefer should be rolling her eyes at.

Its pukeworthy how Haddish and her hipster white handmaidens throw the most vulnerable people under the bus.

Not at all. Shes doing a tiresome act.

Are you saying Arsenios mentally deficient?