Shes taking comedy back to Jerry Lewis standards. Crass bigoted and ugly.
Shes taking comedy back to Jerry Lewis standards. Crass bigoted and ugly.
Shes charming. I agree. But shes a raging bigoted asshole and a big time user of people. Her charm is squandered because shes a trash person. Essentially it becomes a con. And people will be lining up to bitch about her soon enough.
Right. I brought this same damn thing up then! And they are still pandering to her ableism. Fucking sick.
Also wasnt the character underage?
Ikr? These hipster white girls are PANDERING and they dont think POC can see through that shit.
Not a good analogy. It would be a straight guy wanting to fuck Juliette Lewis when she played someone mentally deficient who wanted to get married.
Everything about her is a con job.
Hadfish is also tiresome.
That shitshow. They have tge single most annoying character on the commercials. I call her Max aFactor. She looks and sounds like she walked off a soap opera set.
This isnt prosecutable “sex abuse.” Because she herself said she was complicit and consentual. What this seems to be is a controlling asshole in a sexual relationship with an emotionally unstable person much younger than him but still an adult eith free will to leave it.
Best post of the thread.
If she can prove he blacklisted her, she can win a court case.
I hope youre right.
Of course.
Youre idiots. Im mad about injustice to women to, but im not a brainless idiot like you thankgod that does away with any reason in favor of vengence. Fuck thst noise. Youre the flip coin of the rats in the white house. Both of you are ruining the country.
What verification? Other than anonymous net comments?
Now you fuck off, nerd.
Rich people, period
I want justice for women,but the logic of these third wavers is lame and destructive, and theyre making a mockery of #metoo.