How do you know he blacklisted her? At this point, you dont.
How do you know he blacklisted her? At this point, you dont.
And if any business is ripe for gaining career points in exploitation, its entertainment. She knew she was going to get national headlines. I had no idea who she was. Like most people. A cosplayer? I cant think of a more useless job if it even is one. This is a rich girl getting back at her ex. Ive seen no one judge…
Thats the powers that be, keeping women down. Patriarchy. In my case it was women who fucked me over.
Eat the rich
Yes all publuc masturbators. Too many rapists and murderers start out this way to ignore.
Head injuries.
That’s what guys think first: how fuckable the victim was, so they can live vicariously through it. I’m sure they thought it was a ‘waste’ that he didnt rape younger hotter women.
If he said he was going to kill them , then that was coming next. He’s a psychopath working himself ip to murder.
Cause it looks like covert advertising thats not so covert.
I was fired because of a mental disability from a huge catholic hospital system and they didnt give a shit so people in the medical as well as religious of course dont give a shit about you and neither does the justice system who wont take on your cases because they wont make money off them. So where is the help that…
Lonely YES. When youre depressed and suicidal, the psychiatric system and everyone treats you like a thing and not a person. They seize you and throw you into hospital against your will. They terrify and stigmatize you, as a thing. It shoukd be the opposite. Yoy should have a pleasant welcoming place to go to, a…
He always had that imsojaded and too cool for school attitude. That he was smarter and knew better than everyone else. And imo that is fatal. I had it too and i see it in other people who are flirting with suicide. You cannot convince them that the depression is lying to you and that that reality they see is…
He was well compensated and could have had the best care though. He was obviously well traveled and could have lived anywhere abroad. The rest of us go under in this country and no one cares. Not employer. Not friends. Not family.
But WHY is it a contagion?
$10 says its romantic bullshit.
The cynic in me whos proven to be the realist too often suspects these too outwardly perfect women grew up to be attractive and from protective betterthan middleclass families. The girls who get this kind of mentoring and investment in them nearly always are. The ones who really need it? The average ugly poor ... are…
I feel you, girl. If you dont have a generic, go on the brand site and they might have a card or coupon where you can get it majorly discounted.
She has had a better life than most of us but he STOLE years of her productive work life in a business that steals a womans erning power when shes deemed unfuckable by 40, if shes lucky enough to make it to 40.
She has proof he blacklisted her. Shw can sue over loss of her career and all the earnings she lost.
No ; just you, asshole.