I’m just happy they used the original instead of kids being introduced to Kate Bush by a lame cover song.
I’m just happy they used the original instead of kids being introduced to Kate Bush by a lame cover song.
You don’t like Aniston or Jolie anymore? I mean, Jolie fucked her husband, so maybe she doesn’t handle it well (not many would), but like she kind of gets a pass since, you know, Jolie fucked her husband. It takes two to tango, so Jolie isn’t innocent regardless, and it’s gross for us to say anything, but not really…
Twitter has become awash in both anti-Evan Rachel Wood and anti-Angelina Jolie nonsense, saying “these women are finding out what happens when you make false statements”. I’m terrified of the amount of social-contract-goodwill and legal-protections are about to be stripped from women.
I was just telling my husband how many comments I see on Reels (or however you view TikToks on instagram) are young people asking “What is that song ? What is the name of this song?” I’m like how do they know nothing of 70s or 80s music? Barely anyone under age 30 knew of Fleetwood Mac’s “Dreams” when that TikTok guy…
Oh he was, just that they’ve likely hidden the check. He’s won the far-right lotto, he’ll be raking in money until the next young murderous fresh face comes around.
God forbid they get those kids some ear protection. It’s not like small kids haven’t been upset by the noise everytime they have done one of these for generations.
By Ep 3, I turned to my family and said - You know this character is a Republican Senator for the state of Indiana by now. Kudos to the actor for playing him with all the self-righteous indignation we get to see Ted Cruz display after a mass shooting.
Not really. He is exactly the type of person to use his murdered girlfriend as an excuse to act violently and irrational and then pretend its for the good of the people. The writing for him is sadly realistic and spot on.
Is the dead cheerleader a stereotypical trope? Absolutely. But to point out Chrissy’s character is notably different than the cheerleaders who died before her, only to ignore how that defense essentially contradicts your general argument that her death is “carrying out the natural ending for a whoring villain” is...…
Isn’t the whole point of Stranger Things the repetition of tropes from 1980s adventure/sci-fi/teen movies? It’s all deliberate homage.
It de facto was. It was a defamation case defended on “grounds of truth”, so it was entirely whether her allegations were true or not that were the subject of the lawsuit.
Johnny Depp is the grossest POS around. Add this verdict and the whole circus trial to the list of things that make me feel like David at the Dentist every minute of the God damn day. So sorry for what this verdict means to victims of domestic assault. /rant
What I found truly bizarre after they came back and read out the final decision was that they found that she’d defamed him with actual malice (which is knowingly making false statements to damage his standing) and awarded him $15m from that which would at least be consistent... but then they also found his lawyer had…
This ruling should be appealed. Although Heard might be too fucking exhausted to put herself through it again. The jury was asked to rule on the headline alone
“Not only is this thing I stole because I thought it was funny NOT actually funny, but it’s not funny because you’re WOKE, wahhh woke woke, everything I don’t like is WOKE, crediting other people for things I steal is WOKE”
Was gonna say the same thing. Musk doesn’t believe in giving people credit because if he did he would have to admit he has never created a single thing, he just buys into other peoples shit
Musk not giving people credit for anything he shows off is exactly the reason why his army of Weird Nerds think that he singlehandedly invented Rockets, Space Travel, Electric Cars, and the entire concept of Engineering.
Famous Asshole: “Hey, look at this funny thing I found, 95 million followers.”
Imagine being that rich and that thirsty for attention.