Why are you bringing up Morbius right now?
Why are you bringing up Morbius right now?
Part of the problem with those takes is people think the case is about who abused who. It’s not. This is a defamation case and so what Depp needs to prove is that Heard knowingly lied about what she wrote and she targeted at Depp to ruin his rep. Which honestly is nearly impossible. Heard abusing Depp was little…
Ugh, I feel like I need a shower whenever I hear about anything connected to this whole business. It’s pavlovian at this point.
She is on tape admitting to hitting him to stop him drunkenly crushing her toes against a door. Wow. How abusive of her. And oh shit, she hasn’t been able to give that money to charity amid being sued repeatedly by her ex. I forgot that defending yourself in multiple libel and defamation trials is totally free!
now they do. which is exactly why Johnny is doing this. he wants to destroy her. and if he can’t do that, he’ll tank her career (having already tanked his own).
I am firmly Team No One. but using the court as a bludgeon is gross.
Todd in the Shadows actually looked into the legal aspects of it and he concluded that Depp was very much guilty.
I don’t really get the Pete Davidson thing either. But I’ll tell you this: If he and Cruz were the sole two penis-havers left on the earth and the fate of the human race rested on having sex with one of them, Cruz still couldn’t get laid.
Pete Davidson: the guy “nice guys” think they are.
People didn’t believe my ex was abusive. She was a petite little thing, just barely over 100 lbs while I was almost twice her size. She’d cry and people would just immediately assume I did something to her. She’d do things like tell people I neglected her when all I did the night before was not return her call in the…
It’s hard for Cruz to comprehend that women prefer men who aren’t evil, fascist, self-serving assholes who will screw over their dependents and ass-kiss their enemies if it makes them a buck. Also, your beard is shit, Ted.
I’m sorry you went through all that. It just baffles me how people can just find it in themselves to be so unkind to others. I‘m a domestic abuse survivor myself and this whole case is just triggering. Never mind that I don’t even know these people except what they portray of themselves in the public eye. I think what…
As a male victim of abuse, I already know I’m going to have a biased perspective, so I’ve personally done my best to stay out of it. I know that aspects of their relationship (the accusations against Heard specifically) I find that parallels my previous have been triggering. The insulting, the name calling, etc. all…
I am shocked at the number of women I know who are adamantly pro-Depp on this. I kept seeing one meme on Facebook that was like “Johnny was there for us, now we need to be there for him!” Ma’am, Johnny was never there for you, and if “being there for him” requires calling his ex a whore, maybe think about that for a…
No, the proof that he abused her is the fact that she provided proof that he abused her. And it may be anecdotal, but I have personal experience with Depp where he was abusive in public to several people I worked with and his management made it pretty clear that was an ongoing problem. I don’t give a fuck that he’s…
I agree with your reasoning. I don’t like either of them, and I do think it’s likely they’re both abusive. But the behaviour of Depp’s supporters is repulsive. You can disbelieve someone without being misogynistic to an insane degree.
It’s kind of nuts. No matter how terrible a person she is or isn’t, at this point, she and he have both admitted that he abused her. So even if she abused him too, it seems like the premise of his case has been shot to shit. But I guess they can’t just call it a day.
The thing about liberals and some leftists being thirsty as f**k to prove how clever and above it all they are by claiming that they “both seem to be terrible people” (as many in this sites comment section have done) is that it’s..... based on what? Besides trying their hardest to maintain the illusion of…
I tried really hard not to feel involved or invested in this trial—I don’t know anything about this relationship and I don’t want to assume innocence or guilt when such horrifying accounts of domestic violence exist on both sides.
I don’t think it’s really that hard to understand. Heard has come off as very unlikeable through this entire trial. Unlikeable people apparently can’t be abused, they must have caused it somehow. /s