
I get that. The first time I heard Atlas, I thought the LP would float off the turntable, it was so weightless. And then I realized that the best context for it was a warm afternoon with a lot of sun. Otherwise, I'd probably have thought the same of it as you. But like you I refuse to believe Spoon are capable of any

Two albums I am mightily looking forward to getting today/tomorrow, and two rather dismissive reviews from AV Club. Now I understand why the Velvet Underground and Nico album was mainly 'fine' to them…

They are, but I always struggle to remember them, which I never do with the tracks on the first side. I seriously cannot remember most of the tracks from the second half, and I have heard it many times. But it is personal opinion. I know I am in the minority on the third album and I've made peace with that…

i like to think had Cale been around he'd have figured out how to make MM work. i know folks who swear by it, but i just find it a mess. that said, i have listened to Metal Machine Music several times in my life, so i may not be the best person to make determinations on the VU at its best or worst.

Your argument is that middle class have more options for treatment. They may have options, but there are reasons—financial and otherwise—they cannot or do not pursue them that are as valid as anyone else's, which you seemed to suggest was not the case. My comment was not assigning an argument to you that you never

I always find that if I reach for VU, it's the first two. And if I play the third album, i never flip it over, except to hear After Hours. I get why people love that third album, but I just think after Jesus the quality drops off considerably.

Right, because being middle class means you have a couple thousand dollars extra to invest in therapy instead of meeting bills and keeping your head above water month to month, or you don't face any stigma about getting treatment, however more progressive society is about such issues. I am not remotely suggesting

Right, because those privileges sure do negate anything like depression or anxiety…

i only ever struggle with my top two…
1. White Light/White Heat
2. Velvet Underground & Nico
3. Loaded
4. Velvet Underground

Why did you have to go sticking your big nose in here, Mr. Throat Wobbler Mangrove?

I disagree that the build up and release of Heroin romanticize it. The chaos and ugliness of the cacophony the band kicks up is anything but romantic. And you're overlooking those final lines about 'thank god I'm good as dead.' Sure, he may be numb and conflicted, but it is pretty clear it is unpleasant.

The way you say it, it almost negates or invalidates what brought Lou to that choice. Or that David being born into that makes his experience more valid than Lou's for choosing it and if I am reading that right, it is a simplistic and myopic view. You can throw privilege all around, but if you are depressed, anxious,

I am aware of what his sister has said, and am aware of his depression, weirdness, anxiety and all, but again, whatever the reasons for the ECT, the fact that he had all of that to contend with, and homosexual feelings at a time when there was little understanding, sympathy, acceptance of any of this, it still seems

You can say Reed chose to live in the underbelly, after being raised in a relatively safe middle-class world, but that overlooks the fact that as safe as his world was, Reed was not entirely safe in it. After all, his parents subjected him to shock therapy to cure him of his homosexual feelings. Maybe he made a choice

I'll concede the cycle, but I think he's alluding to the hell of it, the fact that you can't escape it with the 'until tomorrow' line. And you can talk about the repeated build-up/release of Heroin, but that overlooks how 'horrific' the speeding part is, how chaotic and ugly it also sounds. Not to mention the final

I fail to see how any song with the lyrics 'feel sick and dirty/more dead than alive' or 'heroin, be the death of me', romanticizes drug use. And I wouldn't call Lou Reed a privileged art student.

Sure hope Light in the Attic can have this pressed properly - all but one of their recent Lizzy Mercier Descloux's were wildly off center on one side, and one of their This Heat reissues was also off center. They were strangely indifferent/prickly about it when i brought it to their attention, so for that reason I am

yeah, that's kind of what i was hinting at. i mean, a lot of the items on this list come off as pretty dull and derivative for those genres (plus the shoegazer stuff) when there are albums by folks like Xenia Rubinos, LUH or Adia Victoria they could be championing.

having checked out several of these suggestions and finding only a small percentage that stood out (like Anderson.Paak, which i already have, and is damn fine), i kind of realize why the AV Club hasn't really covered music much lately

The AVClub, oft riddled with factual errors, criticizing a work for factual errors. The mind does explode.