
I think what she meant is that women are shamed for having kids when they’re older, so “barrenness” is treated as punishment for not settling down when they were younger, ie. “you didn’t have a kid when you were 22, so now you’re not allowed.” Less literal infertility and more societal pressure to not have children

I think if you take the sentences before and after into account, she’s not saying that’s what she actually believes, but rather that’s what she feels other people (see: society) project onto her and other women who choose to have or try to have children later in life.

but acknowledge that the legality of such licenses is unclear

I’m a firm believer that rape by deception is rape. I know someone is going to pop up by claiming that everyone lies to get sex, but a) no, and b) there are lies and lies. Saying ‘Oh man, I also totally love the Rolling Stones, we have so much in common!’ in order to butter up someone who is already sexually

And then your friend heard him terminated the engagement and joined you in firing him to pluto in a bucket, yes?

I just saw the Uber CEO on Colbert and he creeped me out.

Yup. I go for an inch (two tops) taller or shorter. Always have, and never gave it much thought.

I guess the whole, non-rapey car service answers my question of why we don’t hear that much about Lyft.

Idk the guys I’ve dated who have been around my height have generally been better boyfriends. A dude who’s 5’7 usually has to have a better personality than the taller guys to get laid (by me, anyway). Being shorter isn’t a “no,” it’s just not a big turn on. 😱

This is why I use Lyft. They do better background checks, actually send a real human employee to interview/ride with new drivers, and are a smaller company with better control over their shit.

Whoa... the Uber drivers down under sound insane. You better run; you better take cover.

She sounds like the Aunts in Handmaid’s Tale. She may as well have replaced “ladies” with “girls".

Yes, she’s the one who refused, and it worked out completely to her detriment because she entered the marriage as the lower earning partner and ended the marriage as the higher earning partner who had to hand over a significant chunk of her newly acquired change to Lachey in the divorce settlement, thus making her

*Eureka moment*


I want Nancy from The Craft to be involved in this. Because you know if the spell didn’t work, she would just stab him or run him over with a car.

“Your magic stinks and your voodoo doll is a fat loser.”