
This angers me to no end. It’s an invasion of privacy. Also, my real beef is this: What constitutes a hard acceleration or hard braking? Would the insurance company rather I didn’t use the braking capabilites designed into my car and simply smash into another vehical?

And this right here is why filtering should be legal in all 50 states in the US. The easier driving gets the more dangerous it is for everyone outside the damn cars.

gotta say... this is me. i would for sure drive this. I am in the market for a GT car, and this would really fit the bill, but i have a feeling bidding isnt going to stay at 30 grand for too long. 

The Legacy died when they got rid of the turbo GT with the stick shift option.

Remember the Legacy 3.0R wagon with the boxer-6 under the hood?  Yeah.

Remember when you could get a Legacy GT Wagon with a 5-Speed? Those were they days.

He’s a cousin of Karen and Chad, right?

Hah, 100% this. I work with a rural select board and that's about 90% of everything that happens.

Seems like they would have to ticket every work vehicle on the road that had a phone number advertised on the side. Isn’t that “using the streets for commercial purposes?”

See “Retired school teacher”. “Internet” is where his bass and crappie go.

Ha! When we moved to MD (I am from PA, wife from MD) the inspection place tried to rip her off and told her she needed to do a timing belt to get it inspected. Bunch of goons. But yea, I would just say, “No, clue!”.

Wow, there’s a lot of nastiness in these comments. I thought Jalops were above this mindless trolling.

Are you medically allergic to self-awareness, or was that a side-effect of your bicycle crash?

Yea, MD only requires an inspection when the car is transferred to a new owner. Gotta be careful when you buy a used car via private sale here, wooo! 

It’s “get rid of some service techs, and then make the remaining ones answer phones and make appointments”.

Probably bent a control arm too or that included a rental car for the two weeks the wheel took to arrive

Ahh yes, because Tesla service is known for how fast it is, so let’s get rid of some technicians. Sales folks, ehh...who needs em? 

I like the idea of a driving test for self-driving capabilities. We could even adapt the name of the test used to see if an AI can convince people through conversation that it’s human, to automotive use - call it the “Touring Test”!

I do not trust FSD anymore.

Safety testing is for commies. In America, we release whatever we want until it kills a sufficient number of the correct people in order to address such concerns.