Tech founder, eh? Is Musk trying to remove the competition?
Just make certain you get in those overnight parts from Japan.
“premium leakage,” which is apparently a huge problem for the industry, costing over $10 billion annually
In all honesty, this comes back to the fundamental question: what is the point of a digital licence plate if it’s not for this sort of nonsense? It’s more expensive than stamped aluminium, requires power, can fail, and can be tampered with in an occluded manner. Who, other than people looking to commit moving…
$3500??? That’s less than the turbo kit I’d slap on that bad boy!!!
Home upgrades are a huge part. We don’t even have an EV or PHEV yet (nothing has met our needs or desires enough to start having a car payment again...) but when we recently refreshed our antique home’s wiring we opted to add a couple weather-protected 240-V plugs to the outside of the house in anticipation of the…
Oh, I have no doubt of that: consulting companies love to push their preferred solution. The swing of 46% to 1% though is wild and I don’t believe it.
Thank you
Neat, the money to prop up autonomous cars is running out or being diverted to other boondoggles.
First gear: how does this parse with the McKinsey study that suggested 46% of EV owners would consider switching back to internal combustion cars? ( I don’t presume that either is 100% correct, but this shift in six months doesn’t strike me as…
Emperor Liu Bang, the first Han emperor, was born a peasant and became a guard and escort to penal labourers. The penalty for allowing your charges to escape was death. When he had a group do exactly that, he became a rebel against the Chinese emperor rather than succumbing to death, eventually supplanting the Qin…
If you’re taking means of data sets, and your two data sets are:
If you’re going that far, you might as well recommend the Beetle’s squashed cousin: a 996 cabriolet.
Another overly-large SUV cosplaying as a fastback saloon. I’m so bored.
It’s a B.B. piece: always read to the end lest you get a nasty surprise when you comment about what you THINK the article is about.
I have loved the trimotor ever since I learned about it as a child (though I’ll admit the 247 is a significantly more handsome aircraft). Thanks for writing about it!