Stephen M. Schaefer

Recurring nemeses are always fun. As a first-season plot twist he's good, but as a Garthe Knight or a Murdoc he would be awesome. ESPECIALLY if it were a Murdoc-type scenario; that dude fell down a mine shaft, got electrocuted, blew up a car, fell off a mountain, and he just kept. coming. back.

The problem is that Skye's not a killer and she wasn't yet "trained" to make the hard decisions. For better or worse, she was the viewer avatar in the first half of the season, and it's easy now to forget that she still has that soft side which can be exploited.

"He may never show up, but there is now evidence that Man-Thing exists in the MCU, which is a victory in itself."

"'Huh.' is the best written understated dialogue ever in my opinion. One million hackneyed and obvious shoehorned or dun-dun-DAAAAA!!! cliffhanger music exclamation points dodged! Thank you, Joss?