The Scary Door

All those physics that made the Apollo 13 rescue possible.... surely, they were able to just simulate that with a flat earth with magnets, right?

If your reaction to the question “How can people be that stupid?” is “No one can possibly be that stupid, clearly they must be playing some sort of joke that I don’t understand...” Then I envy you your optimism.

Hell, he was in the NFL. How does he explain even the time differences in sunsets between New York and the west coast?

Someone else had a really awesome idea in one of these fucking flat-earther articles. Get all the flat-earthers together and have a reality show where the first one to find the edge of the earth wins like $100 million. I konw i”d kick in some money toward that prize pool.

Heck, even just personal anecdotal evidence should be enough.

A 2.8 GPA is good now?

I don’t know, but I have a sneaking suspicion they would blame it on some conspiracy theory, and like all conspiracy theory they will end up blaming Jewish people.

I been studying this whole flat earth vs globe thing... and I think I may be with Kyrie on this... b4 you judge do some HW but what do you guys think?

Also, if the earth is flat, how thick is it? Can I dig a hole to the other side?

His case is a bit puzzling.

RIP Geno

I imagine the whole earth looks flat when you’re staring at it from two inches off the floor after a teammate punches you in the face.

Look at that triple down!

Clearly it’s been correcting for the so-called curve of the earth that’s led to his being unable to hit the broad side of a barn.

That still counts!

I would literally rather die than engage with this.

C’mon, Chris. Geno just threw it out there and once again the wrong guy came up with it.

“Any video footage?”

Barry, you prude, you’re acting like you’ve never stuffed a platonic friend’s muff in your face then transitioned her into a hurricarana in the name of competition before.