The SECOND Bran said “Chaos is a ladder” were I Littlefinger I would have FUCKING RUN. HERE IS SOMEONE WHO CAN CLEARLY SEE ALL YOUR BULLSHIT, GET THE FUCK AWAY. Few eps later, he dies for sticking around. Called it.
The SECOND Bran said “Chaos is a ladder” were I Littlefinger I would have FUCKING RUN. HERE IS SOMEONE WHO CAN CLEARLY SEE ALL YOUR BULLSHIT, GET THE FUCK AWAY. Few eps later, he dies for sticking around. Called it.
Is it just me, or does he look like an unkempt Dave Coullier in that picture?
NFL teams don’t cut players who hit defenseless people OFF the field. You think they’re gonna cut a guy who does it ON the field?
He answers it anyway due to the constant ringing in his ears.
Somewhere in a dark room, Wes Welker stares at a phone that has been unplugged from the wall for his own good.
The Patriots have just signed Shitty Tiny White Receiver Your Team Drafted in the Seventh Round Five Years Ago to a deal. He’ll be an All-Pro this year.
Boston area Tindr not designed to handle the surge in use
“Just fucked Edelman!”
You can’t understand why a white billionaire who (probably) has no real personal accomplishments of his own would want to whip his dick out and wag it around in public by making a young, independent, black, star athlete kiss his ring?
Narcissism, motherfucker! Everybody bow down!
Nonsense, the Knicks get one basically every day.
Well. I was born in Fairfax, grew up in Fairfax County, went to high school in Alexandria, went to college in DMV, bought my first home in the DC suburbs, and live right now in the western DC suburbs. You are a clown.
Duh, daily caller, breitbart, daily storm
There were multiple practices. All of them had nine or fewer, but none of them had the same number of attendees. Is that pretty important to you?
...alcohol. #peetape
Yes, and in his first year of looking for bison, teaches the Native Americans (whose civilization revolved around that one thing for about 1000 years) how to find bison.
Honestly, I would be suspicious of anyone who could work for this team while sober.
4 because if you are dating a lot and all of them are shit, the only common denominator is you picking them.
Yeah... I’m going to do you a favor and let you know that, just like people shouldn’t point out there were a few ok people in the white nationalist march, you should just keep the fact that a couple points in his tip resonated with you to yourself. Especially when the list includes “2. Your boundaries are complete…
Isn’t the NFL somewhat insulated from the fleeing cable subscribers as the only one of the Big 4 leagues to have its product primarily watched on network TV? That being said, I have no idea what the breakdown is of viewers between their local affiliates, RedZone, NFL Ticket, and going to a bar to watch their team, so…
The founders were pieces of shit, pretty much without exception, and I have no problem with tearing down every likeness of them ever assembled. But it does not follow that because Confederate statues are coming down, all statues must come down. Even a very small child knows better than that.