Haha true, the hubcaps are horrendous. But hey: is hubcap.
Haha true, the hubcaps are horrendous. But hey: is hubcap.
Haha! I dunno, I can find quite a few first gen ones that look the age but don’t have that crumpled look that poorly built cars gain over the years - like the frame starts to buckle unevenly and every panel gap slowly stretches and twists over time, to a point where the body no longer seems to sit properly on the…
Here in Portugal this is somewhat common (they normally snatch one car at a time, not entire fleets though, and they don’t keep any exotics that they can’t afford to maintain).
Exactly, and we’ve known this for so long, carmakers started adding redundant volume controls to the steering wheel decades ago, because it diverted focus from driving, just looking for a physical control in your console. Touchscreen controls are insane and I would be very happy if this became regulated.
Well, I did own an 90s Alfa Romeo for six months, does that count? It even felt like a narrative arc: first three months were incredible, I went into owning that car with very little expectations and for a while nothing broke, and I even realised it was super fun to drive. When I was ready to fall in love with it, the…
Old, white, weatlhy enough to own an mantain an airplane? That guy reeks of Upstanding Member of the Community™. That’s a guy who’s buddies with cops. That’s a guy who tells cops “I could’ve hurt her if I wanted to” and gets out with a pat in the back. None of that shit would fly (pun unintended, but I’ll take it) if…
Cost and wight for sure. If having two full size tires saved them a few cents you’d see how quickly suits would ruin your luggage space.
That would’ve likely seen him either:
Literally the only redeeming quality of Marko’s declarations - they’re so easy to turn into a joke!
No spoilers please, I watch it on Netflix and season 14 isn’t available there yet ;)
I find it so funny that Marko thought this was a reasonable point to make. Like an Archer joke that made its way into real life.
“It wasn’t meant that way. I meant that a Mexican has a different mentality than a German or a Dutchman. But who knows, maybe it’s controlled.”
That cannot possibly be a press photo, right?