
Left totalitarianism, in it’s natural quest for utopia, wants to make it socially unacceptable to voice simple, biological facts.

She was only nice because Elgort is white, and was doing something for her. “The Most bullied Person In The World” is a vicious, vapid shrew. May she have many more years of life with her vulgar, cheating buffoon. 

No one can tell an artist what they should focus on, no, but people can and should make judgments about what an artist’s work says—the points it makes, and what it says about the artist him- or herself. If you’re not judging, that means you’re not thinking, or even feeling, so what’s the point of art? I don’t read

I think this was the best lawsplainer...

One of the dumbest and saddest movements in the last decade has been the efforts to make prostitution normalized. It isn’t, it fucks people up and hurts them.

I reserve the right to believe that legalisation is the safest option for sex workers, whilst also hating johns.

WTF is up with Hannity’s head? He looks so... weird. Is it that the part in his hair is in a strange place? Is that even real hair? Does he have ears?

“If Cosby did any of what happened to any member of our families we’d be pissed.”

How much of a real hero was he (vs just the only representation around) though given a large part of his post Cosby show fame came from his trashing of ‘urban youths’ and his non threatening sweatshirt dad appearance.

Going by your example, the thing is that it’s not perceived as being her choice by previous waves of feminism because, to them, she’s conforming to standards that only apply to women.  They’ll point out that most men will take even a huge pot belly in stride while women who get tummy tucks are actually pretty slim.

Yeah, third wave is terrible. The only positive thing about it is the first appearance of intersectionality. I hate choice feminism almost as much as I hate Cheeto Mussolini. It is completely derailing of gender equality.

I appreciate both your comments in this thread. It seems to me like “choice feminism” is sort of the idea of, “I, a woman, have made this choice, it therefore is by definition a feminist choice.” Which is how you end up with conservative women claiming to be feminist as they also oppose abortion and access to

1st wave (19th-early 20th centuries): suffragettes and adjacent movements (right to work, to education, to divorce, to BC, etc).

Don’t go by this post, which is completely out of the blue. Roiphe is not a second wave feminist, and arguably not a feminist at all.

I’ve always defined third-wavers as the ones who let legislatures erode our abortion rights so they could talk about how much they liked porn, but that’s probably not what you’re looking for.

Whatever happened to judgement calls, “talking people down” and authority figures being the “adult in the room”? My kids attended a high-achieving magnet school and a suburban high school, yet both administrations were all about calling in the police for things like student outbursts and minor fights. Not only do

The crime these children committed was pretty straight foward. Being black.

Yeah, I’m not sure this is a line of thought we would want to encourage among the current GOPers. This is a group of people who use the threat of Sharia law as a rallying cry while trying to enforce social and legal mores so consistent with Sharia law they’re almost indistinguishable.

That’s because the jokes aren’t inspired by the need to communicate and connect, like those of actual good comedians. They’re inspired by the need to troll their imagined enemies.

Remember all of those stories from Before Trump about ICE officers deporting native-born Americans because they could not be bothered to check their identities or even speak to them?