
Do you seriously think “Trumpkin” is funny or insulting? That makes you chuckle?

But I’m just saying it’s not worth feeling sympathy for a 1% kid who is being groomed to hate you if you ARE a liberal.

What is your evidence the van driver was “oblivious?”

Society failed him? Are you fucking kidding me?

Oh give me a fucking break. Society failed him by making him an idolized millionaire? Get a fucking grip.

I’m Australian so I don’t know much about the rules, but the lack of reaction from the offensive line makes me wonder if that was even legal? Why don’t more players kick it forward to get past the defense?

I was retelling this story from a bunch of years ago where a friend had left a Poland Spring bottle of vodka in my fridge. I came home from work and looked to make a shake and used it, mainly because I did not know I had friends who still carried around vodka.

Probably gonna be an unpopular opinion, but if the plaintiffs are using Doe’s past as a defense, then it should also be fair game to the defendants.

It’s just been revoked!

I’m not a teenage girl and I literally can’t even with your statement. Creme Eggs are a goddamn delight.

Only if “slightly dubious” means not a facemask.

This purported, self-described Pats fan is a hack. But way to try and qualify your shitty, people-pleasing opinion piece.

I have it on, so that if my replies are stupidly terse, it means I’m out doing something and I’ll reply in a more substantial manner when I’m in front of a computer and unoccupied apart from reading Deadspin.

I fully understand the ruling, and I misspoke. I have decided Brady is cleared on my own. I also root for John Cena.

In the real world, opposition to gun control is blatant endorsement of senseless gun violence, whether Dillon Gee is aware of it or not.

Amos Zereoue.

Patrick Pass.