No Oddjob

I once worked at a Jewelry factory. There were about a thousand security cameras in the building. Most were dummy cameras meant to “keep people honest” There were about 2 dozen that were watched on screens that cycled through images. There were only 2 cameras in the factory that had dedicated constant viewing by

The real harm here is that now they have proven to be untrustworthy.

A government funded news source faking footage as propaganda. Why is this not surprising? I am sure when N. Korea does it they say it is more patriotic as well.

So, the biggest Spoiler today is that Michael Bay is looking for a chubby young boy actor?

I prefer to do my fire walking at Baskin Robbins.


I just read the issue an hour or so ago. Sam asks the exact same question, and is told Tony’s too emotionally fucked up right now to give any kind of speech. The way he’s behaving in other books, that seems about right.

Yes but they are black. That means they are “family” apparently. These people he has apparently never met know him much better than than his best friends because their skin tone is similar to his.

That’s unpossible. Gizmodo and Jalopnik keep saying that everyone is dying to share cars.

Going in on a car together is a good way to ruin friendships.

I have grown really fucking tired of the notion that a villain who does what he does because he wants to is somehow childish or simplistic, but as soon as that same character was beaten as a child they suddenly become complex and compelling.

Him and Miles Teller need to hang out and jack off to their own misunderstood genius together.

I don’t see how anybody named “Mordo” could possibly be evil. It’s a good, wholesome name, like “Sinestro” or “Sheev.”

Yeah, those four comics he’s read. lol

No, no, no. We fucked up. It’s our fault we didn’t recognize Snyder’s artistic genius, and now he’ll have to shoulder the burden of our sins.

oh they are trying, thats the sad part.

Oh damn. I didn’t realize it when reading it, but you are right, it’s the same joke! Come on, Snyder!

“A bad guy with flying monkeys,” deadpans Batman.

We know. And we’re trying.