“The Monster at The End of This Book”, or, as I like to call it, “Babys Introduction to Post-Modernism” is one of the all-time greatest books ever.
Jesus Tapdancing Christ! The women who write the show these fuckheads love so much are getting harassed & doxxed for writing the show these fuckheads love so much. That is android head-exploding levels of irrationality.
And did you notice how Pickle Rick hit the same bar on the xylophone yet it produced two clearly different tones? Are to believe that this is some sort of, heh heh, “magic” xylophone or something?
Will lens flares be the new gadget from Q?
rapidly devolves into a violent nightmare of cannibalism, cultism, and genocide, gruesomely parodying the narrative of Christianity, from Genesis to the gospels.
God that first sentence is obnoxious.
Everything about this take is wrong.
I think the consensus is that he got them from Hardhome Depot