I learned these the old, I mean really old fashioned way by using a 35mm German Praktica IV camera. These are from the late 50's and sell pretty cheaply on eBay.
I learned these the old, I mean really old fashioned way by using a 35mm German Praktica IV camera. These are from the late 50's and sell pretty cheaply on eBay.
D.B. Pooper
Why fix your broken ice breakers when you can kill the EPA and enact measures that will quickly melt the ice in the Arctic ?
In my neck of the woods, a solid 70% of traffic slowing can be directly attributed to a gotdamned Prius.
Well I guess you sure told her.
For those who can’t view the video at work (or wherever)...
I prefer this visualization, courtesy of XKCD:
Goofs who insist on ordering their car from the factory with a third pedal and a big dumb toggle switch.
Or at the very least, require Tesla to add an audio warning that repeats every ten seconds: “HEY DUMBASS, watch the road!”
I am quickly becoming convinced that autopilot technology is the worst new automotive feature to be introduced this century. It doesn’t work perfectly, and it’s ideal for people to stop paying attention to the road.
Pepperidge Farm remembers
I’m going to have to ask you to leave now, please. Don’t make a scene.
cool bad opinion
It’s always been my understanding that “passing on the right” involves moving from the lane you are in to the lane immediately to the right, then passing, then sliding back left a lane. This guy was just going faster in the middle lane than someone in the left lane. Happens all the time here in Orlando when rental…
My first Christmas and Valentines with my gf was discussed a month before the event. For Xmas, we’d only been dating 3 months, so we only got each other basic gifts. For Valetines, we made a dinner date at a slightly upscale restaurant (priced no more than $150 for the two of us), I bought her flowers and a box of…
Besides the above.. know what else works and should always happen in your relationships.. Open and honest communication.
my GF and I were together for about 2 months around Christmas, and we discussed gifts / budgets / ideas with each-other.
As a former smoker vaping really helped me wind down off the real deal. I quit the real thing in a week and was totally off vaping within 6 months. I think patches, gum, and meds go so far. It doesn’t deal with the hand to mouth fixation smokers have.
Most attorneys I know drive Hondas or Subarus. The flashier, wealthier ones Audis. The asshole ones BMW.
There, fixed that for you. My 2007 328xi has only ever had one ignition coil changed for $154 total at 145,000 miles outside of routine maintenance. Inline 6 is a pretty bulletproof engine until you add turbochargers. lol