
What’s the CPTS->BTC-> USD conversion?

I’m particularly fond of a $135 or $600 monitor for your $35 computer.. JFC.

I’m particularly fond of a $135 or $600 monitor for your $35 computer.. JFC.

Yes I have most of my kindle content backed up I don’t distribute it but I’d be pretty sad if the stuff I read were to go away..

pretty sure the whole thing they do is drop heavy metal poisioning on us so the government can control our brains.. dumbies jeeze. 

First isn’t this “Things your computer can do” nothing in here specifically really is for a laptop only feature.

I really felt the lack of TRU this holiday season. Target/ Walmart their shelves were ravaged and stuff was missing all over the store, no one could tell where anything was etc.  I love taking my kids window shopping at the store and then I’d jusjt go back kuz I knew where it all is / was and grab it all or do in

I dunno man.. intex isn’t really known for it’s quality. Something about using a discount inflatable boat to paddle around with.  I mean I guess if you wanted to give it a go before sepping into the $200 versions of cheap sit on top pastic ones. 

I dunno man.. intex isn’t really known for it’s quality. Something about using a discount inflatable boat to paddle

Hindsite 20/20 and all that jazz.. 

i’m no lemans race team but if I’m coming in for a stop why not throw a whole set on.  Pit stops with these cars don’t seem to takea huge hit on 1 tire vs 2 vs 4 so why not change em all especially if there are laps on them. I know they have limited sets but it’s not like they’re going to toss 3 tires on at a

Isn’t STEAM Just um.. school? I mean I guess Language isn’t there Sleatm?

this is me.. Mavis couldn’t teach me to type.. A/S/L taught me to type.

of the years and years and years of having to do Mavis beacon etc I learned how to type well being fast while chatting on AIM and in AOL chat rooms.

you see AT&T owns CNN which is fake news this is a monpoly since AT&T only lets you use the fake news sites, Oh it doesn’t.. Oh ummm.. FAKE NEWS we need to LOCK THEM UP for FAKE NEWS.. LISTEN TO ME I”M THE PRSEIDENT IM IMPORENT

yeah but what about stopping fake news how does this stop fakenews?  Shut down all the news monopolies and let the only real state sponsored news Fox news exist!

Yes but.. I’m wondering how those number come about, does it look at only metro areas, or are we talking about the millions of people in rural areas that are stuck with statelite or DSL.

Why cant’ it replace a console why is it for “casuals”. It’s just going to be a huge cluster F for awhile I feel. Microsoft is coming up with this now too. I just don’t really want to have the same as we do now with streaming. $10 a month for Microsoft Azure Game Extreme, $10 a month for Stardia, $10 for Epic Games

Nah there was a case where someone has an air bladder in the tank “basketball”. They’d inflate it to pass capacity test in tech then deflate it so they could get a bit more gas in the tank. 

more along the lines of “Tubing must be made of X material, and be a minimum of Y thing” But you find a way that maybe if you increase the thickness of the tubing you get a little more cooling so you run thicker tubing or you run a metal grid in it because the rules didn’t say “Only made of x material”

Pretty sure the fix is not to drive by them with the new GMC with the 21 function tailgate with 4 cupholders. 

You could buy a month or 2 worth of groceries, and a Hoover corded vac.. or you can buy a dyson.