
there are lots of options in this price range on ali express. wowtiger is the store and they are great belts had mine for about a year and no issues.  Usually about 9-12 dollars.  Downside is you may have forgotten you ordered them when they show up on 4-6 weeks. 

there are lots of options in this price range on ali express. wowtiger is the store and they are great belts had

yeah I’ve done the whole 30 diet.. I know someone who has issues with gluten.. I’ve done gluten free.. and it’ aint for me. I love me some straight up gluten and carbs.

But spaaaccceeee fooooorrrrcccceeeeeeee (echo)

right I’m not going to be a snob about stuff generally but if I’m sending 96 good pencils with my kid I don’t want the cray-z-art pencils where the graphite slides out barbecue they’re shit coming home.. just keep them so I dont’ need to throw them away. 

Oh god if I was allergic to wheat I’d be a frequent caller to the suicide prevention hotline. They’d all know me by my caller ID

oh god please I hope that doesn’t happen.  I spent good money on my kids ot have good pencils not crap bullshit terrible pencils.  I winced when I skipped past the $1.50 12 packs and went to the 5.50 12 packs of Ticonderoga pencils (Prices may have been slightly different but there was a significant difference). 

hey listen me and my friends already have health insurance why should I care if people can’t afford it.. they should work harder, or go back to where they came from or something. Bootstraps Stop whining etc. 

yeah I should have said “are president”

Make coal great again.. bur coal. store the gasses use the gasses for a rocket.. DUAH You just need to burn up some covfefe and you’re good. 

Isn’t there an international agreement between the US and North korea to dismantle nukes?

hey dickbag, get out of her with your hate of our president. At least he didn’t want to waste trillions on friggin single payer healthcare or some such crap.. lets focus on the fact that outer space has been lacking in the arms race for quite some time.. Everyone stopped at missiles.

Fake Crab makes me sick.. like literally anytime anyone makes food fake crab stuff about 20 mins later I’m not feeling so good. There have been times I didn’t know it was in there and had issues. (So it’s not psychosomatic).

First one wins as in you’d rather buy a 6yo car with 100k and not “Lose as much money” in the value of the car.. Maybe sell it in 3 years and take a 2k loss on it and probably put 3-5 k into it on repairs?

Spends 5k to fix the car.. But only lost 2k on value of car

What’s the Red bar for.. reverse?


Hackers are like IRL theives. Why spend the time and money trying to pick a lock when the house next door is unlocked. Unless they have specific knowledge that he target has high value they’ll move on to the easiest target.

I bought a 30 year old car and it’s has issues.. :O who’da thunk it.

5Star: Bought this for my grandson at Christmas, dunno if he likes it or not, I thought it looked cool in the pictures on amazon”