
And it creeps me out because, no he has zero points, and all “feminist” here should be much more appalled that he called little girls whores, it is bad when grown women are called like that, but it is much worse when kids are subjected to virulent misogyny. Just imagine riot on gay rights forum if somebody called

I mean, yes, that thing too. But like, the general whorephobia is more offensive to me.

I mean do we have to call women who are dressed in revealing clothing ‘sluts’ and ‘whores’ period? Last time I checked the definition of a whore was someone who sold sex. If I dress in a revealing outfit...that’s not synonymous with selling sex.

Self respect doesn’t have to do anything with number of sexual partners and how woman dresses like you suggested, you have similar sexist mindset like this dude, only difference is that you don’t use word whore.

There are awesome WW costumes that are completely appropriate for younger girls and teens. They are a bit harder to find, but you can with some quick searching. My problem was finding something for my daughter that fit right. She’s super tall so the kids’ costumes don’t fit her right but she’s 8 so wearing an adult

Oh, come on. Are you really clutching your pearls over some cleavage?

As Vin pointed out, the girls in stripclubs have bouncers ready to defend them, even if they’re paid to do it. On the streets and randomly in public women can’t always count on the kindness of strangers. And strangers aren’t always that eager to jump into the fray.

Except that the woman would end up in jail for murder. Laws aren’t kind to women who protect themselves from male abuse.

Kinda think it’s shitty how people are so negative about the KUWTK resuming filming after ~only 3 weeks.~ Because of course there is never a good way to be a victim and if she doesn’t hole up and hide away forever, fuck her that attention-seeking whore. And whatever you may think about the Kardashians, these kinds of

On the flipside, maybe her celebrity can also highlight the fact that reporting sexual assault is a hard process, even for a rich white woman, just by the nature of the crime.

I don’t get guys who know their roomate has violently raped someone (and heard rumours it’s multiple women) and thinks “well what about his future?”

Me, a woman who has had a child and taken birth control, and him, a man who is a child and whose face is birth control.