
Fun fact: The lubrication engineers at the OEM I worked at sat in a 4 man cubical known as “The Lube Cube”. Their opinion supports yours in that even the cheapest modern oil does a great job as long as it’s changed regularly.

I don’t know if you know this, but despite his existing horde of barely-running Jeeps, our man David Tracy is dreaming of first-gen RX-7 ownership. I’ve been subtly trying to push him over the edge and buy one. Care to join me in this?

I took the test and I got this

I gotcha guys

aaand now im scared of martens..... thanks :p

Now I understand why they chose that name for this

I don’t know David, if I to pick a soft cuddly mammal out of a lineup as the furball most likely responsible for breaking into my car. I am going with the Marten EVERY time. And not because he’s brown you racist! But because he’s obviously a criminal, I mean just look at the cute and cuddly thieving face, he’s

Marderschaeden would be a pretty awesome name for a metal band.

“Other methods to protect cars against these critters, mentioned in the video above, include using wire mesh under the engine bay—martens hate walking on an unstable floor—and cleaning the engine bay of marten feces so other martens aren’t drawn by the smell.”