This is absurd...WTR didn't lose because of BoP adjustments — they lost because of a simple miscalculation. It was their fault. Both cars were clearly well matched, albeit with strengths as different points of the track, but that's racing. The idea that WTR miscalculated how long Jordan had been driving because,…
Shit, somebody said that on the Internet? Must be true, then.
Dixon is a god amongst men when it comes to saving fuel yet still being fast so Ganassi still probably would have won the race anyway.
except for its shit valve guides. Never seen one with more than 70,000 miles that wasn't dragging a stream of blue smoke.
Being different sizes confirms the thinking at Mulsanne's Corner:
You won't see GT1 come back (too expensive), though there will be new GTE rules coming in next season to try and reduce the number of waivers to the rules.
Or tuned up for the production car, depending how you think of it. Both 3.5L turbo V6s, and putting it in a prototype seems as good a method as any for developing the engine.
Because the turbos come on the Ford GT street car and the engine is under 4,000 cc in displacement, both WEC and TUSC say it's A-OK, per the regs. Forget all that other meaningless stuff coming out today; there's your good news from Detroit.
I think I'll enjoy it a bit more when it's not a spec series and new manufacturers start coming to the table with road car transferable R&D and tech. It does seem to be some good racing even though they sound like a fleet of angry RC cars.
Buy another LeMons car!
Matra V12, utter filth.
It'd have to be in ESR. Question is, does it have the pace/reliability/fuel economy to best Normas and Radicals?
That prices it around a base Radical, right? It seems like a decent enough alternative.
My inner troll thought of the exact same thing. The more obvious the fake the better too just so when someone gives you crap about it you can just pop the back and really watch their brain break.