
I’m an adult and still find that funny.

Knowing how some companies treat their source code, I’m sure Bandai Namco is glad someone found it for them.

Shoes that truly make you feel like you are Running in the 90s.

Can someone explain to me the ‘just vote’ criticisms that I see coming up a lot? I’m not sure I get the implications. Is it implying that to ‘just vote’ is completely useless so no one should go out and vote anymore since nothing ever changes? Is it implying that to ‘just vote’ is about the same as saying ‘thoughts

I’m not sure I agree with the term whitewashing here. There’s a definite anime aesthetic going on, but to say that it’s ‘white people’ is weird, because I don’t consider anime characters to be white, and furthermore they don’t act like white people (or real people for that matter). To me, anime aesthetic falls more in

I imagine what’ll happen will be the same thing that happened with Tom Cruise in Valkyrie where where the director just gave up on having him speak German or with a German accent, despite the movie being heavily German in nature. It’ll be Chris Pratt’s version of Mario, which will suspiciously sound just like Chris

She had over a year to fulfill her pledge before Depp decided to sue. And during that time, she had not make a single payment with any of the $7 million from her divorce settlement. The receipts were on the table, and you’d think this would be a point to refute and clarify during the trial, but no. Heard doubled down

I don’t know, tricking a children’s hospital out of millions of dollars seems like a villain thing to do. Man or woman. I get this case was about defamation and credibility, but when something like that comes out, you cannot walk away from this and pretend to have a moral high ground. 

To answer the headline, yes. In the same way you can have fun mashing at a piano without ever taking a music lesson. Sometimes you can accidently make a nice melody and it’s great when it happens, but can you replicate and understand why it sounds good, maybe not. As long as you have fun making noise, it technically do

*cough* Edge of Tomorrow *cough*

It’s actually kind of the same project if it follows the Cobra Kai plotline. A once popular egocentric kid in 90s becomes a washed up has-been in modern day, and learns lessons from the youths around him to end up being a better person. Basically, Johnny’s character arc would be absolutely necessary to make Duke

My take is that neither look better or worse side by side. They’re just different. It’s not really a major graphical overhaul (which is a testament to how good the original looks) but a slight stylistic change that would go unnoticed until someone points it out. Kind of reminds me of how George Lucas kept touching up

Genshin’s difficulty doesn’t really necessitate these massive damage numbers. Now, as you play the game, it does get hard, but I’d say the shape of the difficulty over time is like a plateau. It’s hard until it stops being hard, because there’s a point in the game where you just outscale the enemies thrown at you.

For clarification, when you equate articles for blizzard defense and gatcha promotion, are you calling for the authors of both to be fired? I’m not sure what you’re getting at here.

I understand your sentiment and you’re absolutely right. Corporations are made of people. However, I feel like the more the public skews to accept brands as individuals, the more power a brand has over its workers, and as a result, workers becomes unknown and dispensable. It’s bad for society to edge this direction,


EA is a soulless company that epitomizes capitalism. Does anyone really think they care about human rights?

Because money. Planned obsolescence is a real thing and companies would rather you buy an all new product rather than let you keep the one you have with whatever fixes you can tack on.

I want to say the popularity of this court case stems from the catharsis we never got with Trump as president. A grandstanding ‘celebrity’ getting cut down by the law. No normal person has any real stake in this, but it’s nice to know that the 1% can still get caught and exposed every now and then.