
Persona 3 will probably always be my favorite, but I can never recommend it over 4 or 5. Objectively, 4 and 5 are better games with more nuanced systems built from their previous entries, and with 3, there are a lot of things about it that casual gamers will immediately bounce off of. But, goddamn, the tone, setting,

Hand massager? I’ll do you one better.

I think it depends on the game and the conditions surrounding it. Saying you liked Fallout 76 or Cyberpunk 2077 lends itself to a lot of questions. There’s obvious ridicule made, but there’s justification in that a person’s opinion should come with a giant asterisk that should admit failings why it really isn’t good

Best shield in the game and now in real life.

Even if the Deck is a PC, it’s not like PCs don’t have their own exclusives. Albeit, those games are incidentally exclusives where it’s easier to not have console ports.

Pretty sure the handling of music streaming rights in Youtube are just as bad as Twitch’s policies.

Make sense for things like tutorials and explaining mechanics, though I have a hard time imagining someone trying to interpret the story of Kingdom Hearts through ASL, as even non-deaf people have a hard time interpreting the story of Kingdom Hearts. Video game stories can turn into such nonsense, I don’t think

I’m going to put on my aluminum hat and say that it was an intentional choice as dlc costumes and boards would make a lot of sense. 

There’s a “threshold” you need to chip her down to. At no point can you really defeat her. My guess is that you’re probably a lot closer to beating that part than you think.

You’re actually right. You are supposed to lose. 

I would have rather liked the McCree dev change his name. This video game character did absolutely nothing wrong, and yet he has to go through a name change because of what someone else did? That’s unfair.

I find it funny that the people protesting the comedy special are only enriching him and supporting him way more than if the show was aired normally and forgotten a week after. It’s as if we forgotten about the lesson the US learned from the last presidency where continually stoking the flame will only create a bigger

As far as I can tell, no one asked them to do this very specific thing. And a large majority don’t care and can’t relate to the history. Just seems to me someone at the company made this update because they wanted to. But as far as how much Mihoyo actually cares, they barely respond to large public outcries as

Yes, but where does the rock that hits Bennett come from?

I think it’s worth mentioning that canonically the Traveler doesn’t travel with companions other than Paimon, which raises questions on what the hell “wishing” does. Storywise, it makes sense not to have characters talking to their doppelgangers, but it’s slightly jarring for characters to ask where another character

I almost feel like Kokomi is a challenge or a dare that Mihoyo is throwing at its community. Not only does she have negative crit, but she was PROUDLY ADVERTISED as someone with negative crit! In a game where you’re constantly thrown timed challenges that require you to deal as much damage as possible! As far as

I don’t understand how it can be misleading. Isn’t the point of a beta to show off an unfinished/unrefined version of a game for the purpose to be altered and touched upon for full release?

If you only have 15 minutes at a time to play video games, I don’t think video games are the best hobby to have, and maybe it’s best to reconsider other types of entertainment.

As a consumer of media, I skip credits. This isn’t an insult to the people who created a product, but it’s more about valuing time, and I don’t think there’s value for me, a person who’s not in the industry, to look at a list of names. I understand why it’s there and I think everyone should have credit for their

Also, it’s not like you can’t make bad food in Genshin. Hu Tao makes suspicious versions of dishes all the time, and given the opportunity to give it to a NPC, they get sick. The electro archon seemingly can’t make presentable food in lore and in gameplay.