There's no evidence of Bernie supporters harassing her. I'm a latina Bernie supporter since 2015 but you all love to erase us.
There's no evidence of Bernie supporters harassing her. I'm a latina Bernie supporter since 2015 but you all love to erase us.
Not saying I would rob an 84 year-old, but I think you should be able to without bashing in their skull.
My 1700 hours of Bastion have now been validated.
My gf and i regularly play ‘guess who these tv show characters would vote for in real life’ and i maintain that literally everyone on The Office except for Oscar (maybe) would be full on QAnon/trump supporters.
Within the reddit were plenty of legit complaints about the fact that it’s unfair for a skin to cost 18 bucks, that you can’t buy eighteen dollars worth of in-game money, you’d have to pay even more to get a twenty dollar pack, that you could buy other games for twenty bucks that are quite good instead of a simple…
White dude here married to an Indian woman. Never once in our 9+ years together has she ever expressed a desire to let the king steel the crown jewels from the commonwealth...
Possibly, but you usually hear about the white guy trying to fulfill some racist fantasy. Never been on the table for Lady Merc and myself, though.
Same here. It's never even been discussed in 20 years of marriage.
As someone in an interracial relationship I can only speak for me and the answer is: fuuuuuuuck no.
Yeah, I was equally surprised to find it a pretty compelling game in its own right. It’s also definitely inspired me to actively work to get better, which isn’t a thing I’ve done in other games very much.
I used the name of the players’ region when referring to them for the sake of convention, but you all *should* be proud of him, he’s great!
K1ng is Argentinian. Don't deny us that pride.
Weird a level headed comment on these stories. You are brave sir.
There’s nothing in it for him to apologize. He’d have to break character, and that character made him rich. It’s not like anyone who is outraged by this is going to subscribe if he says he regrets what he did.
Stop stating facts lol.
I nearly always agree with you, but Biden is terrible. We can’t let them divide us by working to promote the worst choice in the primaries.
At this point, I’ve stopped using the word “privilege” with White people and with other men because they deliberately misinterpret it as a way of dodging the conversation and I now use “circumstance” instead.
This’ll get me some flack because I’m seeing something other than how his words were (stupidly) structured, but I think he meant to include everyone in his statement about “ordinary Americans.” He tends to speak out against the millionaires, who are not ordinary, and he tends to contrast them with the rest of us who…