Roy M.

Indeed it was, but I think I was “pissed” initially because suing a player seems sorta heavy handed at first. So I thought dang f*ck Fortnite and Epic.

Well, self-loathing is a thing..

This may be an unpopular opinion, but the big change I’m waiting for is the use of real names and no handles. Like, I get we gamers have strong bonds with our handles, I certainly do, but often times they feel uncomfortably out of place in a professional setting, IMO. I mean, Taco? Fallen? It’s like watching an NFL

Doctor here, just want to add in Megyn’s defense that I’ve found gunshot wounds pose little to no health risks over the longterm so long as you seek medical attention, and as an experienced political scientist, I can assure you that this guns=danger narrative is simply a play by the Dems to control the food supply.

And nothing about timing made her throw in the bullshit framing of:

Boom, Bobby!

We’ve informally reached out to a few people who work in TV news who confirm there isn’t a specific hard break until the end of the hour. This break occurred during the show’s first half.

Apple buried an auto-brightness setting deep in Settings - General - Accessibility - Display Accommodations - Auto-Brightness. Drove me nuts finding that bugger.

Agreed. They missed some 3d Touch opportunities here for sure. What you said is one thing they missed. Also using 3d touch they could have made it to where by hard pressing bluetooth or wifi it could bring up recent connections or even available connections.

Wait, I remember this happened on an episode of Jimmy Neutron! They were doing a family fair games thing, and it turns out almost everyone cheated.. except Carl and his dad, who did so horrible they couldn’t have cheated.

I love how hard Megyn Kelly is tanking now that she’s out of her comfort zone of spewing lies and propaganda

Titan Titan Supremacy.

No, but I hear good things!

Yeah, but Kirk, have you tried the MIDA Multi-Tool?

If you didn’t post this, I was going to. Thanks for saving me the work Kirk.

You want a third party to play hardball with the most open source console across the entire world, with an audience for every genre type of game, and the largest consumer base?
That’s basically the equivalent of pissing off your perfect 10 girlfriend who doesn’t need you, fitness model, and you want to piss that off

They should also take away your achievements and give them to a player with a white character who didn’t earn them.

I have a feeling the meltdowns will be coming from both sides.

That’s pretty much the perfect example of Lawful Evil if I’ve ever seen one right there...

Doc, we don't always agree, but you're absolutely 100% bang on with this piece. Rockstar's sound design is absolutely masterful. And what's more, it NEVER overshadows the game itself. But the sound is constantly there, making an impact even when the player doesn't actively listen to it.