Yeah, he's not going to pull a Roman Polanski to avoid a DUI charge.
Yeah, he's not going to pull a Roman Polanski to avoid a DUI charge.
"God punishes America for not bashing gays hard enough" is a mainstream Christian belief; the focus on a powerless fringe such as Westboro mainly serves to distract people from this fact.
The agenda of the "cultural relativist" brigade is so nakedly anti-woman that it's hard for them to hide it sometimes. They think that only white Western women deserve to not be raped, to not be entered into forced marriage, to not be forced to work in traditional roles subservient to men, and then they turn around…
America also has backwards religious people, but if you think it's as bad as India you're fucking nuts.
Did you know: "backwards idol-worshipper" is not a race? People of Indian descent are just as genetically valid as any other human and can choose to join the modern world, or not. Some cultures are not as good as other cultures; the fact that gang rape is common and accepted in Indian/Hindu culture is ready evidence…
And hey, all of the other gang rapes in India covered over the last six months (which, you know, shouldn't be written off as "well, shit happens, pobody's nerfect" on this here feminist website) happened in cities, fancy that. Maybe you should stop bathing in the same place you throw away your feces and dead bodies,…
Jezebel has got to be the only fucking place on earth where joking about rape is rape, standing in an elevator is rape, and reporting on fraud is rape, but ACTUAL FUCKING GANG RAPE GETS DEFENDED TO HELL AND BACK BY PEOPLE TOO GODDAMN STUPID TO REALIZE THEY LIVE IN A HORRIBLE BACKWARDS SOCIETY.
The point is that "putting unreasonable patriarchal power in the hands of tribal elders" is what Hinduism advocates. There is no meaningful distinction between the "tribe" and the "religion" in an ethnically defined religion.
"Rape is a routine phenomenon, no one is all that interested in stopping it, this is because in India most people including nearly all women aren't viewed as truly human by the people who control the country, and Hinduism is actually very invested in promoting a socially regressive worldview and is not the religion of…
I came here to half-jokingly post that the people who think they are lawyers for every "PoC" on earth would be defending this and calling anyone who has a problem with rape in India racists, except about 40 of them unironically beat me to it. Jezebel is sort of reaping what it has sown by throwing in its lot with the…
"Backwards religious culture of the third world" would be the primary answer here.
Maybe you should go fuck yourself with one of your idols, you backwards filth-covered savage.
Indian people are fucking morons, citation: you
No one said not to put him in prison.
Bullshit. Assuming every man is like this because of "our culture" is, obviously, not true, and refusing to investigate the causes of mental and emotional illness is a disservice not just to Hunter Moore's victims but to the many people suffering with these problems who need help and aren't stalking women.
Thinking that something has deleterious moral or public consequences but that trying to end that thing through making it illegal will only create more problems is something we should all be able to do with our high-functioning human brains. E.g.: prostitution, pornography, alcoholism, drug use. Many people object to…
"U mad?" as a tactic for parachuting out of a losing argument: clearly not taught in finishing school.
Acting like a sane adult doesn't cost anything. You are promoting the nonsense idea that it's somehow equivalent to racism or sexism to insist that people to so. I gave this as much thought as it deserves.
If smelling like shit and drinking mayo from the jar while yelling profanity at your coworkers is "your culture" then change your fucking culture. I don't care if you think that's "classist."
Keep posting so we can all see how you don't understand what "crime," "illegal," "civil," "law," or other words mean.