There's no room for anyone who actually understands medicine here, we have to mindlessly bash insurance companies, and the solution to the evil insurance companies is to require everyone to patronize them at 3x the current rates, because Obama.
There's no room for anyone who actually understands medicine here, we have to mindlessly bash insurance companies, and the solution to the evil insurance companies is to require everyone to patronize them at 3x the current rates, because Obama.
"The referees trying to show off for Skylar Diggins" would require more than two people to have heard of a women's basketball player, so....nah.
You're welcome to look down on people for watching stupid TV shows, but try not to talk about how smart you are for watching other TV shows while you do it.
No, she's just a drug addict who pimped her kid out for another high, like most people involved in "new religions" are.
Yes, this is basically a gutting of the necessary policy that will ensure that the problem with the culture of the military is never resolved and rape continues to be a currency in America's most revered institution, but Jezebel has managed to spin it into a good thing for feminism because they will never dare…
Until the end there I thought you were describing Jezebel commenters.
To be fair, it's kind of a stretch to use the term "people" to describe the shrieking catladies who are concerned about "cultural appropriation."
Keep telling us how proud you are of living in America's asshole.
The claim was that Houston and the South are not intolerant. That other places do it too does not excuse you yahoos.
Yes, Texas and the South are terrible places.………
The fact that a mayor won an election in a Democratic-controlled city means little.
But there is a law stating that the #1 principle of Jezebel-style pseudofeminism is to hate and destroy any woman who achieves success, so Joan Rivers must be torn to shreds.
Federal welfare spending was higher when Reagan left office than when he began. The myth of the Republican budget-cutter is just as powerful as the myth of the welfare queen, it seems.
Wait until she heard a kid three rows in front of her telling a knock knock joke and started shrieking about how all comedy is misogynist!
My opinion is you shouldn't be incensed at the existence of sexual minorities. If your opinion doesn't match, you are a bigot.
Lol not "classism." Being stupid, bigoted, violent, and covered in filth is MY CULTURE ::drinks mayo straight from the jar:: how dare you attack it! That's CLASSIST, it's JUST AS BAD as shooting gay people for sport and trying to bring back Jim Crow! JUST AS BAD!
Keep crying the tears of Christian persection, you relic of humanity's dark ages.
"Say what you will about the "rocky" rollout of Obamacare or pajama boy or whatthefuckever smarmy political Twitter is beating to death today; at least Obamacare is making progress toward a country where people don't die of cancer they could have cured had they caught it early."
Don't you have some ducks to be killing or something?
Drink bleach.
Not wanting to watch a show where some idiot Christian preaches in favor of my death = being in the KKK.