Daniel Plainview

Why did the Rebellion feel the need to kill Galen Erso? Oh I dunno, maybe because he was willing and able to create a superweapon for people who were willing and able to use it? Who knows what they might have made him design next? They had no way of knowing he was working for them reluctantly and even if they did- the

Finally, Richard Sherman admits to pass interference.

The good news is that when the revolution comes, all the billionaires will be in one place.

Yo, seriously, [MAJOR SPOILER ALERT] Vader’s rampage right at the end was probably the most fuckin’ amped I’ve been in a movie theater in years. I felt like my head was going to pop.

I’m actually really happy he picked someone who does not support selling off Federal lands. A lot of the damage the Republicans want to do can be undone, but it would be very hard for the government to reacquire those lands once sold off.

It’s a good thing the democrats essentially fundraised to rebuild that NC GOP building that got destroyed. Really good idea, there. Excellent gesture. Nobody could ever have predicted that the GOP would do this in return.

14 hours from NYC

small businesses around america say they need help to survive in an increasingly hostile business environment, but let me ask my small business owner friends this: why haven’t you injected your employees with steroids and forced them to battle each other on top of ladders while wearing thongs?

No snark, honestly, I am just happy to see the dude look like he’s having fun again. Yeah, he’s a lecherous jerk, but he is a large part of the reason I started in golf and work in the industry, so I always will sort of have a soft spot for him. Watching him be fucking miserable and grumpy for the rest of his life

“And there’s the signature Tiger fist-pump we haven’t seen in a long... oh... oh he’s down. Oh my.”

Aren’t we all?

Always highlight truthers.

Ascot guy: “I say old chap, they’re now selling discount free-range escargot. How garish! This is what Trump has wrought upon the proletariat! The scoundrel!”

See, driving while White is also dangerous!

No puppet.

Cannot wait for the NFL in Trump’s America. It will revert to its original form: two teams of 50 men bludgeoning an endangered whale with wooden clubs in a stadium filled with hundreds of thousands of screaming fans. The game ends when one team strikes the killing blow or the stock market crashes. Whichever comes

I’m devastated, too. But, I think your comment (which reflects an attitude towards Trump supporters we both shared) is the problem.

A sobering review. Thank you.

When my longing for a deeper sense of human connection and humanity becomes almost too much to bear, I barricade myself in a Starbucks and consume each and every Unity Cup I can before the police can take me away. Thousands and thousands of faces connected by one single line are slowly digesting in my engorged