The Root is so dumb

Yo Mikey, when you going to stop working for the white man, homie? Herb has you slaving away on the plantation while you make these dumbfucks think you’re a some black panther.

“Black supremacist”

The bat eaters are mad that they got caught for exposing the Kung Flu? And of course people are staying away from blacks. You morons have been whining about how you disproportionately have more of the China Virus.

If only we could go back in time.... 6 weeks ago, when people called out exactly where this meme was going and why it was a problem, and we’re shouted down by the media establishment.

*an argument and blocking and attacking her car as she tried to leave

You gotta read other news sources man. You’ll find no truth here.

What do you know, slurs take on a meaning of themselves after widespread use?  If only progressives could police language and thought we’d all be much better off.  Right?

At least it wasn’t a fast food place with a knife to someone’s neck. No one was injured in this case.

Swap races and The Root is basically the daily stormer

I thought the woman is Jewish? You guys talk about race and creed all the time but you don’t distinguish that detail, for the sake of your article?

Fun fact: the origin of the word slave is Slave because in ancient times, slaves in the west were predominantly white eastern Europeans of slavic descent. Historians estimate that there were more of these white slaves than black if all history was added up. Slavery was not reserved for people of color nor was it only

What I’d like to know is where are articles shaming men? Are we still pretending men don’t do this or is there another reason only women get singled out for shaming?

Why is it you post about a POC being yelled at by a white person yet you don’t post about a white elderly woman being assaulted and robbed by a POC?

Exactly how racist is this site trying to be? Is this just meant to be tongue-in-cheek because it seems like simple black supremacy propaganda. This is a serious question. As Americans, you definitely have the right to be as racist as you want in your choice of words and the message you are putting out there. I’m just

Is this one of the council members who is trying to defund the police whilst using taxpayer money to pay for private security?

Couldn’t be