
Dexter Fletcher directed this?? Spike from "The Press Gang"? Getouttahere….

Its fake. I heard it from your father's brother's nephew's cousin’s former roommate, and I wouldn't believe anything he says

Yeah, its good. A few episode have been directed by Tony Martin, who is pretty much a comedy legend here. Not sure how it will translate over to American audiences though.
Whats the US equivalent of a Bogan?

So Rogan was sitting on his couch smoking a bowl while "The last starfighter" was on in the background?

Its Abed learning to live again after suffering from Changnesia

Is that why Rob Thomas will be there?

I'd like to propose a toast!

Pfft…….The so called "Greatest artist of all time" isn't even verified on twitter!

Would have been funnier if they replaced Damon with Marky Mark and have a bong smoking alien voiced by Seth MacFarlaine.

It slices, it dices, and makes french fries in 3 different…..Whoops!

I hope that Adam Sandler isn't considering the same thing for The Ridiculous 6

No it's R.L. Stein channeling Jack Black

A fat paycheck from Netflix in Adam Sandler Won

Why does Uncle Joey look like he is playing an invisible Sega Game Gear??

Wow….so not psyched for Season 3 of Rick and Morty? Even after that season Finale?

Yeah, but at least he won't go away mad, he'll just go away.

Calling it now, Thundercats will be announced by 2020

Urkle, in a cameo appearance, spills a glass of water onto Michelle. She growth appears and turns into another Michelle. Urkle freaks and retreats to the safety of the Winslows, never to be seen again.
The Michelles roam about the house, hiding until early morning (well after midnight) where they creep downstairs and

I'm just surprised that Carly Rae Jepson and The Sims are still a thing

We all stand together (The frog song) > Wonderful Xmastime