
Friday the 13th: Operation Miami Beach?

"What kind of a deal" needs to be done with JCVD to get a Bloodsport sequel?

So, it sounds like it would fit between Ratatouille and Brave, rather than a Toy Story or Incredibles, but not at a Cars 2 level…

But, did Anakin end up getting his Turbomannnn dowrrrlllll?

I love those X1 Robots!

Re-establishing her credibility after being in the first film?

Simple. No Indian, No Waynestock

Is this the one where we find out who would win in a fight between God and Lemmy, where the twist is Lemmy was God all along?

Isn't the guy who played Dean still on like Season 27 of Supernatural?

No mention of Goldmember? Both Lowe and Savage did those movies and not so much of a mention? shame AV Club!

I'd rather see Gay Angry Beavers

Hideo Kojima?

I'm that big a fan of 3 amigos, you dirt eating piece of slime, you scum sucking pig, you son of a motherless goat!

The more important question here is: Why didn't Billie Joe Armstrong jump too?

There he goes, there goes Speed Racer…….to Jail!

This will definitely go to number 1 with a bullet

So now this leads to the question is it Dave Mustaine or Dave Mustein?

No the King of the Idiots already starred in PIXELS

What the hell Sony, no PIXELS 2???

This is his punishment for being in Pixels