Rooo sez BISH PLZ

She’ll be 35 in ‘26, so ... 28


Didn’t they throw that case out already?

I can't remember which school it was but there was one that disallowed Kelly Ann Conway's children from attending 

It’s clearly a troll, doing that troll thing of running up and down the thread replying to anyone who tags it as a Russia-sent white supremacist-leaning “not ALL wypipo”-wailing troll like we’ve never seen one of those here before.

If you’re so smart, go talk to your people

It’s worse than that

Not even the half of it.

They better stop

I am getting a feeling people don’t even know the half of it.

And that may not even be the biggest problem we have

It always looks like that 

I don’t want to know

The media will stop giving them a platform when we have a functional FCC again.

They all do that. They all look like that.

I thought Parscale was in federal custody.