The Other Theron

That’s an early 80s dress. Fashion is circular; what’s in now will be out later and what was in before will come back. We’re due for an 80s resurgence - not the ridiculous neon stuff and ponytail out of the side of the head or the enormous hair, but the real things people wore - simple cuts, pleated pants with narrow

Hey, gotta get those wrinkles out of your wings somehow.

Even if every single accusation was true, I still don’t find that a big deal? This is her full-time job, she wants to make money off of social media, she’s going to make it pretty?? This is like having a problem with the fact that artists only show a few glimpses of their art process on Instagram or Tiktok. No one is

Given that the complainer is now doing the very expected and tedious “lol I’m tired of talking about this w/e let’s move on” thing in response to people asking for the receipts, looks like this was somebody shitposting for clicks and lulz. Sorry for the Texas Bee Lady that she had to be the main character in

That is a “smoker”, not a “steamer”. Important distinction.

As a native Texan, the only people who can claim to be a “Proud” Texan are some kind of piece of shit or another. There ain’t nothing going on here to be proud of right now.

Counterpoint: If someone goes above moving hives of bees based only on what they saw on a few social media videos, we should not be particularly concerned for their welfare.

I do not get the ire for Erika Thompson. In my experience, almost every beekeeper has a different level of what they’re comfortable with, and some of them go into a hive with very little protection. As for the Trump-supporter claim, I’ve never seen/heard anything corroborating that, and her account shows her donating

I genuinely don’t have a bee in this fight, other than having wasted a solid hour following all the drama earlier today, but a lot of the complaints seem really weak. In the replies to the tweet quoted in this article, people have posted screen caps of the Texas bee lady 1) using power tools and 2) wearing protective

The MAGA thing appears to have been entirely invented. People in the replies to that tweet calling her a Trump fan are begging for the evidence, but no one has actually provided any, as far as I can tell. And she follows a bunch of Dems on IG, so it’s a mystery where the accusation is coming from.

You want an even more impressive story about “teen girl shoves bear”....hats off to Paxton Smith, who ditched her pre-approved valedictorian speech on Saturday to instead give a speech decrying the new anti-abortion laws in Texas. I’m actually amazed she wasn’t forcibly hauled off stage by her teachers.

the Palace told the Guardian that it had its own special method of hearing complaints from employees, which it was not willing to share with the outlet

Yep, but don’t ask questions about the conduct of her second son, though, because... you know, that never happened.

So the Queen is exempt, but her grandson’s wife is fair game for trumped up bullshit? 

Oh man, you didn’t check in to see how this insane stretch of a nothing-burger was getting roasted over at The Root? Cause it’s getting no traction there, and it feels like their readership should know.

“At that age [19], teenagers are mature enough to know what they’re being part of.”

I’m really confused here as if the parents wealth was never a secret, what is a real revelation here? That Kemper won a creepy sounding pageant when she was pretty young? Also yeah, she was 19 then, but apparently grew up in a sheltered environment and might not have been able to make certain connections about things

The Atlantic reported in 2014 that the Veiled Prophet Organization barred Black and Jewish people from joining.

So she entered a pageant and/or attended some weird debutante event. Is there any indication that she was aware it had a racist history? It may be hard for some on here to believe, but googling the damn thing wasn’t an option in 1999.

I want Wink to win a Golden Globe at least. I’d really love an Oscar for that dog.