I simply can not swing my leg over the seat to dismount. I have to lay the bike on the ground to dismount. As much as I love my old Bianchi, a “girl” bike would be great!
I simply can not swing my leg over the seat to dismount. I have to lay the bike on the ground to dismount. As much as I love my old Bianchi, a “girl” bike would be great!
Well then he shouldn’t be using the standard Republican talking points meant to shame poor people. Poverty is not generally the result of irresponsibility, despite what most Rs want to believe.
You do know that not every job comes with insurance. Also, one of the problems the ACA solved was not having to be stuck in a job you hated because of insurance. It gave people more freedom to shop around for the job they wanted. A lot of people seemed to have forgotten that “I can’t leave this job because I’ll lose…
Because 1) Insurance has a tendency to be waaaay more expensive than owning a phone and 2) It is a common trope of Republicans that the poor are only poor because of their own irresponsibility, totally ignoring the role of privilege and structural barriers.
Read the thread looking for this. I’m no fan of the Jules version, but I’m seriously no fan of the “I’m so glad there’s a remake the original is stupid” crowd.
I’ve noticed that. Figured that’s what is was for!
It’s called “a path to citizenship,” or as the Trumpeteers call it “amnesty of ileeeeegals!” Republicans sometimes claim to support it, but have blocked every real chance of making it happen.
Been there. That sudden acceleration is impressive. Never felt G-forces like that. Guy next to me turned to me and said, “The pilot is just practicing.” Lol.
A couple of good examples in one post. Not only beyond parody, but all the same song. http://www.billboard.com/articles/columns/the-615/6436384/country-music-mashup-2014
The new dance craze!
I might be willing to meet him - just to tell him exactly what I thought of him. Which would get me featured on his Twitter feed for sure!
Exactly. I have wondered what will happen when the first mass shooting happens under Emperor President Trump. Obama, for better or worse, was a master at dealing with those events. I don’t see Trump as a very good Consoler-in-Chief.
Well, the video didn’t help.
I could probably swing this one. Bit of a fixer-upper! http://www.groupe-mercure.com/en/buy/for-sale-chateau-haute-garonne-10503-9214vm.html
He’s never heard of you, either.
I just remember that Pete Postlethwaite, who played the priest, was the only one in the whole damn film who could credibly do Shakespearean dialogue. And having the narrators be news anchors was cool.
The downward spiralling suburb is a thing. Bedroom communities with no real economic base of their own are vulnerable to something as modest as consistent traffic jams on the roads that link them to the economic center. And the pipeline explosion down in Alabama is a pertinent reminder to just how dependent suburbs…
Gee, a product designed to replace real food turns out to be a problem. Quelle surprise!
Apple stores — even when I got what I wanted promptly, I’ve never had a good customer experience in one of those places. They ‘re kind of a happy shiny version of the DMV.
Let’s see. They signed a contract that involves overtime pay. Now they are not getting it. But they are still required to work overtime. But hey, your contract is different, so you think their contract is irrelevant. Got it.