The Other Theron

Some folks seem to care about this waaaaay too much.

It’s an attitude I do not get. But then I was raised by two college professors. I can’t imagine spending the major part of my life with someone who wasn’t well-educated. As for money - I suppose it’s all too straight forward why this bothers some guys, but they seriously need to get over it.

No, great way to cut yourself, using a knife - particularly if you are pulling the corns off of un-cooked cobs. There are various things I make with loose corn for which the frozen stuff just won’t work, as it’s too watery. A properly made corn shredder is a lifesaver, especially when I have a party and need to do

Close, but your Terry Gross questions are for the most part too short, and do not go far enough in attempting to answer the question before the interview subject even gets a chance to say anything. I am always amused when Gross sets up some long, elaborate theory and the subject just says, “No.”

Oh, i think we know where the power comes from.

Certainly physical juvenilization takes place. What’s really fascinating is that we also did that to ourselves. If you compare human babies to great apes babies (gorillas, orangutans, chimps/bonobos), the babies all look fairly similar. Yet the other great apes grow up to have a number of adult features, such as the

There does actually seem to be a genetic component that influences how easily a species can be domesticated. That said, I don’t know if anyone as actually tried the Russian method on bears.

If bears had the domestication gene, we would all have one, food costs be damned. How could you not?

Recently had a discussion with a relatively young woman who thought our use of the word “trump” came from The Donald. Being an Old I knew better, but I then needed to know the real answer. To the OED! Our current use of the word in fact goes back to around 1580.

And when Republicans start talking about “real Americans,” do you find that condescending?

The most basic rule of learning is to question what you already believe. You will get nowhere is you are not prepared to take that step.

I’m an historian, not an archaeologist, so I my understanding of things is only a bit deeper than the main stream press. That Stonehenge as we can see it is part of much larger complex has been known for some time, so I assume this extends that complex even more.

Then subscribe to the major archaeology journals. Only a small part of what we know winds up in i09 or National Geographic or your local paper. The press only wants the really sexy stuff.

It matters you idiot because a guy with a gun can kill many more people a lot faster.

My Dad, brand new father (someone scribbled “one week old” on the back, so this must be one of my very first pictures):

A slow, slow line if humans who just spent many hours on multiple planes, buses, trains - is going to be a bit rank. So many times I am grateful that I am about 50% asnomic (i.e., the inability to smell)

Choose again.

I learned we had filtering at work when I tried to check my Powerball numbers. Access blocked, Reason: Gambling.

I will be wearing none of this, thank you.

I wear black jeans all the time, needed some new ones. Went to the local Gap, asked if they had any, and in the snootiest voice possible, was asked, “In summer?”

Um, yeah, and I’ll probably wear it with a white shirt sometime in the fall. Whatever - I have since depended on the local outlet mall for my black denim,