
Second class citizens? Which is why almost every elected official in the USA is at least nominally a Christian, because Christians are second class citizens. Wow, you are truly an idiot. Here's a clue - pushing back just a little bit at Christian privilege does not make Christians persecuted victims.

Well, I'm a Southerner, from old stock, so yes you are an idiot. As for the accusation that we dislike Christians and Jews - ok, Jews are mostly liberal, and the only anti-Semites I know are right wing lunatics. Unless you think being a bit critical of Israeli polices is anti-Semitic, in which case, again, you are an

Ok, if you actually believe liberals are "fascists", and that they "abhor pluralism," then you are so deeply embedded into your little fantasy world that there is no reaching you. You are extremely ignorant, and your opinions unworthy.