The Romford Melee

Uhhh ... when I lived on the outskirts of Seoul there was a restaurant advertising Boshintang every few blocks. In red neon.

You are not alone. He is terrible. Objectively. I am eternally and stupidly surprised at the willingness of people to buy and find some way to enjoy stuff just because of genre signaling.

I’ll bang my drum once again and point out this is the regime that human rights darling Jimmy Carter was complicit with in the Kwangju Massacre. Well known in the ROK; almost never spoken of here.

That illustrates exactly the point he is making about the insanity of race as a concept and its almost complete non-transferability beyond a given culture’s borders. We invent “white” and “Asian” as categories called race and get all puffed up about it and think we’re accomplishing great justice when we forcefully

Just good to know other people out there get it.

Nah, you’ve just completely misunderstood the practice of journalism is governed by rules that are entirely in your head.

The entire history of journalism contradicts you.

I think this is true, but also worth pointing out that the film industry is also heavily unionized.

He responded to an article with an article.

I mean, I think that’s a big part (it’s also part of why Americans are generally incapable of understanding class) but it’s also due to taking a nonsense concept like race and trying to universalize it, as if “Asian” means the same thing outside the U.S. as it does inside. I spent a lot of years living and working in

I’ll ask again: By this logic, shouldn’t every character in the American version be played by Japanese person? I would like to see some kind of serious thinking about what really is whitewashing or appropriation, rather than simply identifying an English-language remake in the west as both. This is neither, and I am

Seriously .... I have been spinning in the greys down here on exactly this subject for awhile. Americans are batshit nuts about race and just downright silly about “Asians.” This counts as enlightened? Shuddering ...

By a certain logic, every member of the cast who isn’t “Asian” is in yellowface. Which is just silly. There is nothing about this role that requires the character to be Japanese, and it would have been perfectly inoffensive to change the name and ethnicity to anything else. (Japanese are not an oppressed minority in

Came to say the same thing. And THIS is why you don’t pass on the motherfucking right!

Right, there’s an interaction here between city/landowner, but it’s a complete nightmare when we’re talking hundreds of households that combined are supposed to be responsible for the general state of the sidewalk. Civic breakdown typical whenever you devolve responsibility to disparate parties. And we’re talking a

I have had to do a lot of street running lately, in my residential neighborhood where traffic is slow and there are occasional speed bump. One thing I noticed very quickly: Cities do not maintain sidewalks, at all. They will keep those roads as smooth and unbuckled as possible, but the sidewalks are a wreck. If you

Not so much an abomination considering California law calls it “Family Leave” and it doesn’t apply solely to offspring.

It’s inspiring that finally people are treating her exactly the way grown-up reporters are treated, whether they are irredeemable hacks or the best of their profession.

Bon voyage! I remember Cheever being mostly free of that kind of baggage. I’m basically allergic to self-important explorations of American manhood. Speaking of DFW: he had some interesting things to say about Updike, et. al., that were salutary to me in that I felt validated, finally, in my opinions. I think I’m

Of course, that too.