LOL, I’m just imagining that piece of shit Leitch crying into his corn flakes as he reads this headline.
LOL, I’m just imagining that piece of shit Leitch crying into his corn flakes as he reads this headline.
32, jobless, and sleeping on your parents’ couch? Suuuuuure!
Hipster dude is gonna be fine. Did you see the footage Deadspin aired of Brock Lesnar vs. Randy Orton? Now that guy was a bloody mess!
Ha. The one white chick is like, “WTF am I doing this for?”
And of course he’s wearing a Kapernick jersey. Ugh.
This. Looks. Awesome!
He’s a child-beater. He should be out of the NFL entirely.
Shawn Oakman is a no-good thug.
Cleveland sports teams just can’t catch a break.
I don’t understand this article. It’s about the Cardinals, but it doesn’t say the Cardinals lose?
You’re wrong. But okay, go ahead and be wrong.
Thug on the loose! Thus on the loose!
Zeidenfeld had a good week. He won a million bucks, and he didn’t get filmed beating up an innocent woman in the parking lot.
I hate these thugs.
Once a thug, always a thug.
The important thing is for these thugs to be brought to justice.
More importantly, black leaders need to remind members of the black community not to act like a bunch of thugs.
We may never know his true motives.
Sam, Sam, he’s our man! If he can’t do it, no one can!
Dicks out for Leslie.