The Rocka-who?

Mr. Miracle might be my favorite comic <i>thing </i> ever.  I’d love to see this.

I’ve always wished I sounded as cool as Sam Elliott.  My favorite voice in the entire world.

Go all the way and do a Destiny limited series.

The ending felt like Simmons fell too in love with one of the characters and couldn’t let them go.

The Mets cycle is right on schedule. Long stretches of losing punctuated by brief hits of success. It’s hard to see this ending while the Wilpons own the team.

Don’t they usually hype sequels prior to a new movie coming out? Like “make sure you catch Justice League so that you’ll be up to date for Flashpoint!”?

I need some feedback — do I go with this or Stardew? I’ll eventually play both, but which should I sink my teeth into first?

Destiny 2 and a little Steam World Dig 2!

Ron Coomer’s day will come.

Now, see man, this kind of stuff could get you into some real stiff trouble.

It’s true. All these albums suck.

I remember my *very* conservative parents losing their minds about Obama not wearing a jacket in the Oval Office. I’m sure this will go unremarked upon.

I love this guy as a filmmaker, but I’ll always miss him as a novelist.

Absolutely — I get more than my fair share of K/A with Lucio, just be virtue of moving around the point and healing while shooting at the enemy team as they move in.

Goddamn modern science/medicine is amazing.

That was totally my last POTG. Two or three turret kills and the replay was just me butterflying around the thing. I felt a little self-conscience about it, but you take ‘em when you get ‘em.

For flights of only a couple hours, we’ve put our diaper-aged kids in the overnight diapers. One diaper will usually hold them for the entire flight if they only pee in it. Poop, obviously is a different story.

At this point, his status for opening day is a real coin flip.

I backed a tabletop game and had a very similar situation happen. The project took in about $30K and then radio silence for several weeks. Several contributors flexed some detective skills and found the creator’s e-bay profile and discovered he had gone on a shopping spree buying up all kinds of music production gear.

At some point someone is going to have to foot the bill for all that damage.