
Might be a good gig for Spinal Tap.

What was your yeast infection doing smelling Bubba Guppy?

Oh! Oh! And he could sing to an empty chair as though Obama was sitting in it. That routine killed back in '08.

Hey, everybody knows Clint Eastwood's singing ability from his role in "Paint Your Wagon," maybe he could croak out a few numbers.

Geez, Netflix doesn't carry Truffaut's "Soft Skin" or Kurosawa's "Ran," but they have a copy of this? Keep that in mind when they advertise what a great collection they have.

"Star Trek" owes its long-term success to its short-term failure. In the late 60s-early 70s, new independent UHF stations were going on the air all over the country. Their programming budget was pretty meager, so they ran the cheapest stuff available, like Japanese cartoons and low-budget sci-fi movies. "Star Trek's"