
There might have been decent arguments for down over synthetics in years past but the technology has come so far that it really makes synthetics from Primaloft, etc, the obvious choice if you worry at all about getting anything more than drizzled on. The weight difference isn’t that much anymore. Even then, the misery

It’s true. I live near state land, so my living room in hunting season sounds like we live on a firing range. In addition, I have redneck neighbors that like setting off major boomers of fireworks at all hours. When my two dogs came to live with me, the first time a loud noise happened, we had a fun game of tug (I

In some areas, pizza shops actually do sell their raw dough. Seems as if it’s a regional thing.

They make them for humans too.

Amazing that the NFL has such detailed rules for the shit its players can wear on the field, to the point that players can’t have simple, minor tributes to dead relatives without getting fined, but something that actually affects gameplay is just “Eh, we’ll let the billion dollar franchise figure it out on their own

I went to the Michigan and Michigan State SBN blogs to capture their reactions when Michigan State failed to convert their 4th down, and then when Michigan State won the game.

UM was Texas before Texas was Texas.

It’s an old-school play called “The swinging gate.” Every junior high team is contractually obligated to run it at least once.

I’m gonna say that “strong” should not be a physical characteristic, but a mental/emotional one. Not everyone is physically able to lift heavy things or even run a mile - e.g., if I stretch my lung capacity beyond about two liters, my left lung will collapse - but, I’m strong enough emotionally to hold my shit

I’m feeling a lot of Boy Scout in this...which is neither surprising or bad.

This is fantastic stuff, Wes.

I would like to add the list i keep pinned up at work, bastardized from Go Rin No Sho:

Do not think dishonestly.

Wes, been following your writing for a little better than a year and as I sit here in the garage with the bike cooling down and my Budweiser getting warm I am compelled to create an account and post a reply.

Don’t be afraid to be silly.

I am not talking about being foppish, or goofy. I am also not talking about being funny either (something The Goodfellas touches on pretty well, if as a joke). Silliness is the light-hearted humor, the jibes to yourself without any self loathing attached. The ability to look dignity in the

Don’t judge. Be kind.

Going into this I was worried, given the sensitive nature of the NYTimes article, that this would be an exercise in overt masculinity and bravado. Instead, pleasantly surprised to find nuanced, reasonable guidelines, all of which I agree with. This was by far my favorite: “I like guns and fast motorcycles and stuff

Thank you for another great write up.

I’d add the immortal words of Ben Franklin “Fart Proudly.”

I agree with your issues but I believe instead of turning the ball to the opposing team it should just be a loss of down. Nothing I hate more than some guy running down the field and then losing the ball out the sideline to then have the ball placed at that location.