Exactly. I can see that his fanbase is trolling this comment section but you have summed it up and nothing more needs to to be said. Thank you.
Exactly. I can see that his fanbase is trolling this comment section but you have summed it up and nothing more needs to to be said. Thank you.
I admire your tenacity of trying to convince a bunch of arm chair analysis to assign injury management as one of the factors that contributed to the Falcon loss.
This is a great point. And there are manufacturing jobs that are non union and they pay fine as well.
My father was in a teachers union in FL. He was a professor. He got shit raises, most COLA. He finally quit the union. Unions are anachronistic from an era when worker were much more exploited than they are today.
As someone who works in politics, what you suggest is catharsis. It will not change anything. “resist trump” is a slogan, not a policy. The shrill tone of your post will turn off all but the choir. Seriously, you are saying nothing. “Sign Petitions” “Show up at Protests”. Do you think DT cares? Do you think he will…
Correction, both parties hold up “tradition”. Dem’s are just as guilty.
These are extraordinary circumstances—unprecedented, history-altering circumstances—and the country feels like it’s coming apart. Right now, it’s not enough for the Trump supporter around the corner to explain his support with a shrug, and it’s not okay for a famous one to grin and smirk because Durr, Donald’s my…
I have listen to Patrick Fall of Rome and love it (even the background noises of whatever is going on around him when he records. Give it an authentic homemade taste).
Bernie is a Snake Oil salesman just like Trump. One peddles free college tuition to post college millennials who would never benefit from his proposal. Trump talks about bringing back factory jobs that will never return. Neither is from the party who’s primary they ran in. Bernie wants to make America socialist while…
Honestly, this such a polemic fluff piece. Full disclourse, I beileve in economic fairness, marriage equality (shit, I don’t care about polygymy if you get down to it) and generally take a extremely open view of personal liberty. I eschew the term “liberal” as much as “conservative” or any other label simply because…
I was going to say, “WTF???!! She has some fucking Amazon legs.” The girl in the boots maybe close to 7' tall.
Blue Valentine was a good movie. I enjoyed it and its is a realistic-ish look at what happens when relationships fall apart. Ryan was very good in in.
I feel like this conclusion is a bit reductive. Its obvious if you take more from the rich it will close the gap. But how does it address income inequality from the bottom up? There are, I am sure, a lot more factors that go into income inequality than this, education, geography, school system, etc.
Players need to go for guaranteed contracts in the next round of negotiations. The owners have figured out to fuck over players that the negotiate in “good faith” with. Simply benching a player can avoid financial problems. It seems like only QB’s every play out their contracts and those seem to get renegotiated as…
Ugh. The lonely cry of the fan boy who says, “why does my team get no love when they do awesome”. Take off the fanboy glasses and read the piece. I am not a Patriots fan at all, but I recognize they have melded coaching greatness with player greatness in a way no other team in history has. And I am a 49ers fan who…
I believe this entire letter was just a naked marketing ploy for Aged Sumatra. Drink it, and you will become thoughtful, hopeful, articulate and able to see the light in dark times.
Full disclourse: I am a die hard Nineers fan and its sad to say the following:
Its not porn if there ain’t some fuckin’ in it. I don’t see any fuckin’ so I don’t see any porn.
Yes you can. Chip Kelly is a fucking joke. This from a Die Hard Niners Fan. Zone Read, Zone Read, Zone Read, Tuh now we are behind, let throw the ball.
YOU WIN!!!!!