
In high school, a couple of buddies and I broke a bunch of ceiling tiles in our school gym kicking balls into them. Full disclosure, I grew up in FL. We got caught and had to pay, after we tried rearranging them to hide the damage.

I heard him on NFL channel on XM. He is great. He doesn not speak in football-retard-cliche-canned answer-speak. He gave his opinions, he seemed genuine, funny, willing to engage, personable. You know, the opposite of most players and coaches who either can’t speak or just say a lot of words that mean nothing.


Okay. Some address the relationship math with me here. Abedine is the “Gary” to Clinton’s “Selena Myers”. She is by her side like 100% of the time. I am sure she spends/spent more time with Clinton than her family.

I live here. At the first sign of things getting bad, fans start throwing up their hands in defeat. I have heard callers scream for the Texans to tank their season after 4 games. They are the WORST fucking fans on the planet.

Am I the only one who thinks he looks like an emaciated British version of Zach Galifinakas? That screen shot above creeps me out big time.

Speaking of mouth-feel, since vegans don’t want to put in anything animal related in there mouth, does that create a BJ/Rug Munch conundrum?

The is some subtle subtext in all of this. Cheats on his ex girlfriend, with ex girlfriend who is now his girlfriend (again). Oh yeah, and “other girls”. He accepts friend request from random hot girls, likely ones he would like to cheat with on his current girlfriend/ex girlfriend. Seriously dude?!?!

This is the only comment that matters to the argument. Bernie is a Snake Oil salesman selling a fantasy to a generation that is worried about their future.

You should get a Nobel Prize for that rant (tips hat).

This seems like a click bait article.

Kobe: Yo, I am going to light it up tonight. I touch the ball, I am shooting. Its my last game.

Twitter is sputtering because it can’t figure out how to monetize its business model. Go fucking figure. And the bullshit this fuck-tard spews out on Twitter is Exhibit A.

Just the opening paragraph of this is mouth dropping. The “Trump isn’t Serious” or “Trump was never Serious but now he is” canard is over. You can stand by it all you want Albert, but your were wrong then and wrong now to think you were right then.

God bless Gronk. The NFL is full of shit heads. This guy just likes to have a good time.

Welcome to the spotlight Cam! It shines on you when your are great, and when you aren’t. It also shines on you when your react to both your greatness and when suck.

Its House Martell, not Bartell. Its more Drugstore than GOTp-ass. Nothing bad ass about a drugstore unless they sell liquor(tip of the hat to you California).

FUCK THIS POST!!! Gooddamn root beer!!! For fuck sake there is still a lot of liquor out there to review.

Read Norman’s quote. He starts wading into hyperbole when his starts questioning his training. Seriously, you may not like the way he dances and prances, but that has nothing to do with his training. Look at his fucking stats. Unprepared football players do have those kinds of stats no matter how much time the

He should be banned from coloring his hair. Who the fuck does he think he is kidding? Looks like Joe Pesci from Casino. And not it a good way (he is not banging Sharon Stone)