
Right? I mean, at least ask for infinite wealth. Might as well do it right.


My ex, I wrote briefly about the ghost at the bar where he worked more up thread, described getting a big purple bruise in his side during his encounter with the ghost. I have my own theory about the ghost based on the stories of everyone who worked there (she’s the ghost of a woman killed on the property by her

I believed this up until the woman at the bar asked you about your bruises. I feel like most people avoid talking about that and wouldn’t be so forthcoming. Regardless - SOLID story.

Holy shit, this one is amazing. I could picture it all.

Oh my GOD you need to write this up for The New Yorker or something!

Ohh come on man this is so obviously fiction 

This is a true story that is scary on... well, levels, ha. I’ve obscured some details so as not to give away any too identifying information, although the details are part of what makes the story.

My house is in a heavily forested area and relatively remote. It’s a place where people might take a camping trip into the forest for the weekend and then freshen up and have brunch in town on Sunday.

I told a very condensed version of this in a comment to one of the Jez horror story posts maybe about five? years ago, so I’m officially submitting this now. Now with bonus pics. 

this is very creepy and also sweet in a way! thanks for sharing

Hi Frida,

I am glad things are better now. I can’t imagine a paranormal experience on top of depression. Here’s some Daily Show for you

Follow up: just now, thinking about this story, I went to look at the registry of deeds for the town I grew up in. They’ve got everything digitized now, so I was able to look up the closing paperwork for the house. There, my parents both signed, as did a notary, but the witness section?

When was about 26 I moved back in with my parents. I had been going through a rough time and was in between jobs. I didn’t really know what I was going to do with my life and felt a lot of unease. I had broken up with the first person I had ever loved right before my move, knowing we were not right for each other. On

Alright, been debating writing this down because I’ve been trying to get it out of my mind. This story has a few different facets and I have no idea what to make of all of it.

You are evil. I love you.

Not nearly as scary as some of your absolutely horrifying stories, but here’s mine. I remember it vividly and get chills every time I think about it.

The girl scout troop I lead has met in the same church since kindergarten, they’re now in 4th grade. Its built on the side of a hill, and we meet in the “basement” which is really a large, well lit room full of windows. At the back of the room is a hall with the bathrooms, and stairs to the main floor. The girls call