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The last two weeks, have obviously been awful for all of us. And today solidified what we already knew about the traitors to this country. My Mom died six weeks ago and I miss her so much it physically hurts. I’m so caught up in pain and raging anger that I actually ordered fucking McDonald’s from UberEats and I hate

Glory glory hallelujah (3x)

You take it one step at a time. Don’t try to jump too far ahead.

My father had it 20+ years ago. I am active in PanCan, gone to DC to ask for funding and do a 5K every year to raise money and awareness. They have made strides recent years, but not nearly as many as other cancers.

Well on top of everything else that happened in this crappy week, we found out that my dad has pancreatic cancer. The prognosis is about as good as it can be for pancreatic cancer (it’s small and early stage, operable, etc.), but that’s like saying it’s the tastiest shit sandwich that you can hope to eat.

That’s really obnoxiously convenient. Aren’t vasectomies reversible too? 

Hmmm..  I have a friend that had one done a few years ago.  He went to the doctor about it and he had to go to counseling and wait a period of time before the doctor would do it.  I want to say my buddy said it was Virginia state law.  They have the counseling to make sure you really want to do it as I guess people

Welp ladies, I’m here to vent again. My co-worker is driving me nuts. Today she texted me to ask me a question about work (i.e. do her job for her). It’s SATURDAY! Leave me alone! She has made a bunch of nasty comments at me, including that I am a bad dog-mom because I work full time. I told her that was hurtful, but

More good news out of MI (I grew up there, family still lives there, we’re planning to move back there next summer)- my mom has thrown herself full force into the anti-gerrymandering effort (Proposal 2 I think?) and after months of gathering signatures, she’s spend the last several days canvassing all over the place.

Ugh, I’m sorry. That’s a shitty way for her to treat you, and I totally understand why you’re disappointed and hurt. You were looking forward to seeing her and she doesn’t want to engage and is leaving early. I think a small question mightn’t go amiss, but like you said, she’ll probably take umbrage. 

My wife is giving my older daughter a bath. I'm just sitting here in the family room with my 2 week-old asleep in my arms and Marzipan laying by my side. 

I’m going to drink red red wine tonight and try to forget this week, this crazy place our country is in, how angry I am as a woman. Kavanaugh is a bad guy, in many ways. And judges who lie and distort facts to justify making the decision they want are not judges that can be trusted to fairly decide cases. So this is a

I have a friend who came up from a different state to visit. She’s stayed the night, and I was really excited because I thought I’d get to show her around where I live, see the some sights, hang out, it would be fun. She’s been one of my best friends for years, and as far as I’m aware nothing’s changed with that.

Hello, everyone. The world is shit. Weirdly, even though I got dumped last week*, that’s not the thing that’s upsetting me nearly as much as the news. I don’t know about y’all, but tonight I’m eating my feelings: oxtail stew, cheesy polenta, red wine, and apple cider caramel chocolates. What are you eating?

Yes !  Best thing all year.

Whoa, I did not expect to see SNS so early! Yay! It’s been a rough week and especially gutting day. Rapey McDrunkersons is counting the days until he starts fucking Democrats, liberals, and women. With glee. I'm voting at seven in the morning on election day. We need to start righting this ship. So so much damage done

Things are, to put it lightly, not so good right now.  But I have to write in to say how freaking proud I am of my future Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib. She was arrested, along with the DSA primary challenger for governor, Abdul El-Sayed and many Michigan workers fighting for a $15 minimum wage and the right to

It’s Monster Energy, of course it tasted like piss.

hiya..... i have nothing to add today